To be eligible for admission as a candidate for a Master of Education (Research) an applicant must have:* a Bachelor Degree in Education (AQF level 7), or equivalent, and satisfy the Dean of Graduate Research with evidence of scholarly or professional attainments relevant to the proposed research discipline; or* a Bachelor Degree in a different discipline (AQF level 7) and have successfully completed a graduate course in Education, or equivalent, requiring at least one year of equivalent full-time study (AQF level 8), and satisfy the Dean of Graduate Research with evidence of scholarly or professional attainments relevant to the proposed research discipline; or* a Bachelor Degree in a different discipline and satisfy the Dean of Graduate Research with evidence of significant scholarly or professional attainments (of at least two years full-time duration or equivalent) in Education equivalent to AQF level 8.
English RequirementsYou must meet a minimum standard in English to study at Murdoch, which for most courses can be demonstrated by providing evidence that you have completed Year 11 and 12 in Australia at any level if you are a domestic student, or through either English proficiency tests, university preparation courses, English language courses,
previous tertiary study or vocational education.
Other Requirements
Internet access is a requirement for all external students.
Advanced StandingNot applicable to research courses.
This information applies to courses offered at our Australian campuses only. Courses offered at our Dubai and Singapore campuses or delivered by Open Universities Australia may have different requirements.
Advanced StandingNot applicable to research courses.
This information applies to courses offered at our Australian campuses only. Courses offered at our Dubai and Singapore campuses or delivered by Open Universities Australia may have different requirements.