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Health sciences

Great health science scholarships for postgrads
The health sciences help preserve all aspects of public and individual health. Similarly, some of our favourite scholars…

Health sciences advice

Great medicine scholarships for postgrads
Medicine saves lives on a daily basis, but learning everything these is to know can get expensive. Fortunately, these sc…
Could a postgraduate physiotherapy course be for you?
Physiotherapists are invaluable for treating and alleviating musculoskeletal issues, among many other things. With the r…
Five reasons you should study Psychology
Do you want to save the planet from our own destruction? Well, you should become a psychologist! Find out why as well as…
Great medicine scholarships for postgrads
Medicine saves lives on a daily basis, but learning everything these is to know can get expensive. Fortunately, these sc…
Could a postgraduate physiotherapy course be for you?
Physiotherapists are invaluable for treating and alleviating musculoskeletal issues, among many other things. With the r…
Five reasons you should study Psychology
Do you want to save the planet from our own destruction? Well, you should become a psychologist! Find out why as well as…

Popular health sciences postgraduate courses

Graduate Certificate

In a rapidly changing world, knowing how the human brain works is increasingly relevant both inside the workplace and outside it. You can build your knowledge of this widening field as you apply contemporary psychological concepts to address community-based challenges.

Masters (Coursework)

The aim of the Master of Nursing Science program is to provide students with the knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice and research.