The Master of Nutrition is a graduate- entry degree that qualifies you to work as a nutritionist and pursue a diverse career in health, focusing on how food and nutrition impacts the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, communities and populations.
Entry Requirements
Successful completion of a recognised bachelor degree or equivalent international qualification with at least a credit average (GPA of 5.00).
Our Master of Dietetics is a graduate- entry degree that provides you with the knowledge and skills necessary to embark on a career path in the field of nutrition and dietetics.
Entry Requirements
Successful completion of a recognised bachelor degree or equivalent international qualification in a health-related field (inclusive of biomedical science, science, health sciences, nutrition, food science and exercise science); Applicants must have attained a GPA of at least 5.00 in their bachelor degree; A written statement detailing the following:
Why you are interested in the field of dietetics;
Your reasons for undertaking this course;
Any relevant work experience and skills.
The completion of specified units undertaken in prior qualifications. This must be evidenced in your transcripts along with unit outlines from the year study was undertaken. Pay close attention to the study order sequence of the units listed below.
2 Chemistry units (0.25 EFTSL)
2 Biochemistry units (0.25 EFTSL) studied after the completion of your chemistry units
2 Human Biology units (0.25 EFTSL)
2 Human Physiology units (0.25 ETFSL) studied after the completion of your human biology units
2 Food and Nutrition Science units (0.25 EFTSL)
At CDU 0.25 EFTSL is equivalent to 20 credit points.