Eligibility requirements
To be considered for admission into the MPharm, an applicant must:
- have a bachelor's degree, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA. Recognised bachelor's degrees are those conferred by Australian universities or higher education institutions recognised by the Australian Qualifications Framework or the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR). While academic results from postgraduate study will be taken into account, postgraduate studies undertaken without a bachelor's degree cannot be accepted as an equivalent qualification
- have the equivalent of a selection Weighted Average Mark (sWAM) of at least 65, and
- meet the prerequisites in chemistry, mathematics, microbiology and pharmacology
Applicants who can meet the prerequisites are initially ranked according to sWAM.
Candidates will be ranked by sWAM, with the highest-ranking applicants being offered a place. Rural applicants will be ranked based on sWAM, and rurality rating (equally weighted).
Read through all sections for a detailed understanding of the requirements. The Future Students team is happy to assist with any further queries.
Application timelines and due dates
Course offers
- Offers are planned to commence during November. Timing of subsequent round offers will depend on the outcome of previous rounds
- An offer cannot automatically be deferred; in exceptional circumstances, a deferral request may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants should consider their personal circumstances and apply during an admissions period where they are prepared to commence should they receive an offer.
Final ranking for course offers
- Final ranking for non-rural domestic and international candidates will be based on sWAM.
- Final ranking for rural candidates will be based on sWAM, and rurality rating.
Degree completion - conditional offers
Applicants who are eligible for a course offer during the final year of their initial bachelor's degree will be made a conditional offer requiring them to:
- attain a minimum selection WAM of 65 for semester two of the final year of their degree; and
- complete their bachelor's degree requirements by 31 December prior to commencement.
Applicants who are in progress of their initial bachelor's degree and undertake a course of action that will result in receiving late results may not meet offer conditions. Therefore applicants must take care when undertaking any course of action which could delay the receipt of results or degree completion. This may include undertaking deferred/supplementary exams, undertaking units that fall outside normal semesters (e.g. summer units or trimester units) or going on exchange during the final year of study. Applicants who do not complete all requirements for their initial bachelor's degree by the 31 December deadline will have their offer withdrawn.