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Master of Health (all other)

Find the best Master of Health (all other)

Masters (Coursework)

This course provides specialist knowledge and skills in sexology. You will examine research on the biological, psychological and social aspects of human sexuality, and study different research methods. Ethics in sexology are also highly prioritised.
6 months full-time
Study Mode
In person, Online
International Tuition Fees
$25,275 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Research)

Gold Coast
This degree provides graduates with the opportunity to undertake advanced study and research. You will gain a thorough training in applied scientific research and methodology and be prepared for higher degree by research studies and professional employment in the research field.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to this program, a student must fulfil the following criteria:

  • hold a Bachelor degree in medical science, biological science, pharmaceutical science or a related health discipline from Griffith University or from another university or institution with a GPA of at least 5 (using a 7-point scale) or equivalent.

In addition to the academic qualifications required for candidature as described above, the following criteria needs to be satisfied:

  • the proposed topic is appropriate for higher degree research and consonant with the academic aims and objectives of the pathway selected
  • there are two qualified members of staff holding confirmed, continuing or fixed term appointments of sufficient length for the purposes of supervision
  • the Pathway Advisor is able to provide the necessary research place, supervision, resources and facilities; and there is an appropriate fit between the applicant, research environment, available resources and supervision
  • the provision of educational services consequent upon approval of the application for candidature will not expose the University to a risk of contravening any applicable law, including any international embargoes, sanctions or controls which regulate the University's operations from time to time, and
  • the proposed program of work can be completed within the maximum period of candidature for the degree.

Applicants are required to find a suitable supervisor and have their research project approved. Applicants are advised to contact the relevant Pathway Advisor who will provide assistance in finding a suitable supervisor and developing a research proposal. Those nominating a supervisor who is not a Griffith University staff member in the supervising pathway must arrange a co-supervisor from within the selected pathway (i.e. Medical Science, Medicine, Pharmacy).

Applicants to this program are not eligible to apply for a Griffith University Postgraduate Research Scholarship (GUPRS) or Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarship.

The following University policy will apply to Higher Degree Research (HDR) programs:

  • Higher Degree Research Policy
1.5 years full-time, 3 years part-time
Study Mode
In person
International Tuition Fees
$31,500 per year / $47,250 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Surgery by research at University of Melbourne is a program in which a candidate undertakes research in a specific aspect of surgery under academic supervision.
2 years full-time, 4 years part-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

Build quality leadership and management skills to progress your career in the health care industry with a Master of Health Care Management from Murdoch. 
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements

Select which option best describes your path to university :

Means of admission Minimum academic requirement Minimum English requirement
Murdoch Institute of Technology (MIT) courses

Successful completion of one of the following:

  • Murdoch University Preparation Course with a minimum of 50% in every subject
  • MUPC (1 Trimester)
  • Foundation Studies Course with a minimum of 50% in every subject.

Successful completion of the course


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.
University study
Successful completion of 2 units at an Australian University or Open Universities Australia (OUA).

Successful completion of 2 units at an Australian University or Open Universities Australia (OUA)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Enabling courses

Successful completion of one of the following:
  • OnTrack Flex, OnTrack Sprint or K-Track at Murdoch University.
  • Murdoch FlexiTrack High program
    in Year 12.
  • TLC - Learning for Tomorrow
    in Year 12.
  • an enabling or bridging course at another Australian University.

Successful completion of the course


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.
Murdoch Institute of Technology (MIT) courses
Minimum academic requirement

Successful completion of one of the following:

  • Murdoch University Preparation Course with a minimum of 50% in every subject
  • MUPC (1 Trimester)
  • Foundation Studies Course with a minimum of 50% in every subject.
Minimum English requirement

Successful completion of the course


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.
University study
Minimum academic requirement
Successful completion of 2 units at an Australian University or Open Universities Australia (OUA).
Minimum English requirement

Successful completion of 2 units at an Australian University or Open Universities Australia (OUA)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Enabling courses
Minimum academic requirement

Successful completion of one of the following:
  • OnTrack Flex, OnTrack Sprint or K-Track at Murdoch University.
  • Murdoch FlexiTrack High program
    in Year 12.
  • TLC - Learning for Tomorrow
    in Year 12.
  • an enabling or bridging course at another Australian University.

Minimum English requirement

Successful completion of the course


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.
Means of admission Minimum academic requirement Minimum English requirement
VET course studied at school
Successful completion of a Certificate IV or higher.

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only)

or Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only).

or a STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Total score of 24 or higher.

Does not meet English for direct entry.

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only)

Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only).

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher (145 if prior to May 2010).


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Western Australian Universities Foundation Program (WAUFP)
CPS 54 or higher.

Does not meet English for direct entry

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.

(145 if prior to May 2010)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Overseas Year 12
Please refer to the information under the country of study.
Please refer to the information under the country of study.
Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
Overall Position (OP) of 13 or lower.

Sound Achievement (4) or better in a Queensland Studies Authority approved subject of one of the following:

  • English
  • English Extension (Literature)
  • English for ESL Learners.

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only)

Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only).

Extenuating circumstances

We'll consider applications from prospective students whose education has been compromised due to genuine hardship, resulting in them falling short of entry requirements for an undergraduate course. Find out more.

Case-by-case assessment.
Minimum Selection Rank (WA/ACT/NSW/NT/SA/TAS/VIC)

Scaled mark of 50 or higher in one of the following (or interstate equivalent):

  • English ATAR
  • Literature ATAR
  • English as an Additional Dialect (EALD) ATAR

Or a STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.

Or evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic applicants only).


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

GCE A Levels
Minimum of 6 points taken from the best 2 or 3 subjects where A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 (AS Levels are equivalent to half points e.g. A=2.5, B=2 etc.) or higher.

Does not meet English for direct entry

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.

(145 if prior to May 2010)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

VET course studied at school
Minimum academic requirement
Successful completion of a Certificate IV or higher.
Minimum English requirement

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only)

or Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only).

or a STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Minimum academic requirement
Total score of 24 or higher.
Minimum English requirement

Does not meet English for direct entry.

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only)

Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only).

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher (145 if prior to May 2010).


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Western Australian Universities Foundation Program (WAUFP)
Minimum academic requirement
CPS 54 or higher.
Minimum English requirement

Does not meet English for direct entry

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.

(145 if prior to May 2010)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Overseas Year 12
Minimum academic requirement
Please refer to the information under the country of study.
Minimum English requirement
Please refer to the information under the country of study.
Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
Minimum academic requirement
Overall Position (OP) of 13 or lower.
Minimum English requirement

Sound Achievement (4) or better in a Queensland Studies Authority approved subject of one of the following:

  • English
  • English Extension (Literature)
  • English for ESL Learners.

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only)

Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only).

Extenuating circumstances
Minimum academic requirement

We'll consider applications from prospective students whose education has been compromised due to genuine hardship, resulting in them falling short of entry requirements for an undergraduate course. Find out more.

Minimum English requirement
Case-by-case assessment.
Minimum Selection Rank (WA/ACT/NSW/NT/SA/TAS/VIC)
Minimum academic requirement
Minimum English requirement

Scaled mark of 50 or higher in one of the following (or interstate equivalent):

  • English ATAR
  • Literature ATAR
  • English as an Additional Dialect (EALD) ATAR

Or a STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.

Or evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic applicants only).


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

GCE A Levels
Minimum academic requirement
Minimum of 6 points taken from the best 2 or 3 subjects where A*=6, A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, E=1 (AS Levels are equivalent to half points e.g. A=2.5, B=2 etc.) or higher.
Minimum English requirement

Does not meet English for direct entry

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher.

(145 if prior to May 2010)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Means of admission Minimum academic requirement Minimum English requirement
Diploma or Advanced Diploma AQF level 5-6
Successful completion of a Diploma or Advanced Diploma.
Successful completion of a Diploma or Advanced Diploma.


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Certificate IV AQF level 4
Successful completion of a Certificate IV.

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only), OR

Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only), OR

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher (145 if prior to May 2010).


Satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Diploma or Advanced Diploma AQF level 5-6
Minimum academic requirement
Successful completion of a Diploma or Advanced Diploma.
Minimum English requirement
Successful completion of a Diploma or Advanced Diploma.


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Certificate IV AQF level 4

Minimum academic requirement

Successful completion of a Certificate IV.

Minimum English requirement

Evidence of completing year 11 and 12 in Australia at any Level (Domestic Applicants Only), OR

Evidence of completing a minimum of 2 years of studies at TAFE or an RTO (Domestic Applicants Only), OR

STAT Written English score of 140 or higher (145 if prior to May 2010).


Satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Means of admission Minimum academic requirement Minimum English requirement
Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)
Multiple Choice score of 135 (145 if taken prior to May 2010).
Written English score of 140 (145 if prior to May 2010)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Mature Age Pathway (MAP)
No direct entry.
No direct entry.
Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT)

Minimum academic requirement

Multiple Choice score of 135 (145 if taken prior to May 2010).

Minimum English requirement

Written English score of 140 (145 if prior to May 2010)


satisfactory completion of at least 6 years of primary and secondary education, including at least 2 years between years 7 and 12, taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Ireland, South Africa, UK or USA.

Mature Age Pathway (MAP)

Minimum academic requirement

No direct entry.

Minimum English requirement

No direct entry.
Completion of a Bachelor degree (AQF Level 7) or equivalent in a health discipline. Preparation for the course through previous study or professional experiences will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
English Requirements

You must meet a minimum standard in English to study at Murdoch, which for most courses can be demonstrated by providing evidence that you have completed Year 11 and 12 in Australia at any level if you are a domestic student, or through either English proficiency tests, university preparation courses, English language courses, previous tertiary study or vocational education.

Other Requirements Access to adequate library resources and to the Internet is essential for external students.
Advanced Standing

Everyone has a different path to university so if you've already completed formal or informal learning, you could receive advanced standing. Also known as recognition of prior learning, advanced standing can reduce the amount of study needed to complete your degree by giving you credit for certain units.

Formal learning can include previous study in higher education vocational education or adult and community education. Informal learning can include on the job learning, various kinds of work and life experience.

Find out more

This information applies to courses offered at our Australian campuses only. Courses offered at our Dubai and Singapore campuses or delivered by Open Universities Australia may have different requirements.

Advanced Standing

Everyone has a different path to university so if you've already completed formal or informal learning, you could receive advanced standing. Also known as recognition of prior learning, advanced standing can reduce the amount of study needed to complete your degree by giving you credit for certain units.

Formal learning can include previous study in higher education vocational education or adult and community education. Informal learning can include on the job learning, various kinds of work and life experience.

Find out more

This information applies to courses offered at our Australian campuses only. Courses offered at our Dubai and Singapore campuses or delivered by Open Universities Australia may have different requirements.

Progress to fees and scholarships
1.5 years full-time

Masters (Research)

On-line Learning
This flexible study option aims to develop critical thinking and research skills that are highly sought after in a competitive employment environment.
2 years full-time
Study Mode
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

This research degree encompasses the disciplines of Drug and Alcohol research, Human Communication Science, Midwifery, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy Practice, Physiotherapy, Public Health, and Social Work.
2 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

This course is designed to develop your passion for the field and inspire your vision of creating a safer and healthier workplace for workers and the community.
6 months full-time
Study Mode
In person, Online
International Tuition Fees
$25,275 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

South Bank
You will study a wide ranging and diverse base of specialist health management courses.
Entry Requirements

To apply for admission into the Master of Advanced Health Services Management, a student should:

  • hold a suitable Bachelor degree in a related field (Public Health, Health Services Management, Environmental Health, Allied Health, Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Clinical, Research and Biomedical Health)
  • OR hold a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma or Bachelor Honours degree in a related field (Public Health; Health Services Management; Environmental Health; Allied Health, Medicine, Nursing, Psychology, Clinical, Research and Biomedical Health) - students will be eligible for admission with advanced standing to complete a 120 credit point Masters
  • OR have completed one of the following Griffith Graduate Certificates*:
    • Graduate Certificate in Digital Health (3336)
    • Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management (3082) or Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management (3317)
    • Graduate Certificate in Clinical Leadership (3280)

* Students applying for admission via this pathway may be eligible for Advanced Standing or specified credit of up to 40 credit points depending on courses completed in the Griffith Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management program. Credit applications for other Graduate Certificate programs are assessed individually and will require assessment of similarity in learning outcomes.

Applicants with extensive experience in health services management positions who do not hold such qualifications as listed in the requirements above may apply for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Health Services Management, Graduate Certificate in Digital Health or Graduate Certificate in Clinical Leadership with progression to the Master of Advanced Health Services Management being dependent on a minimum pass grade in all courses.

Students who have graduated with the Master of Health Services Management (120 credit points) award are not eligible for admission to the Master of Advanced Health Services Management.

2 years full-time
Study Mode
In person, Online
Domestic Tuition Fees
$23,500 per year / $47,000 total
International Tuition Fees
$31,000 per year / $62,000 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

This research degree encompasses the disciplines of Biomedical Sciences, Exercise, Sport and Rehabilitation Science, Clinical Sciences, Medical Radiation Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Psychology and Behavioural Science.
2 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction

Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Philosophy - Health Sciences (MPhil) is an internationally recognised masters (by research) degree. The MPhil degree is designed for students to develop advanced skills in carrying out independent and sustained research.
2 years full-time, 4 years part-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction