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Graduate Certificate or Diploma of Paramedical Studies in Perth

Find the best Graduate Certificate or Diploma of Paramedical Studies in Perth

Graduate Diploma

The Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine is a unique and contemporary avenue to study postgraduate paramedicine in just one year.
Entry Requirements

To be eligible for admission to The University of Notre Dame Australia, all applicants must meet the University's minimum requirements for admission. The requirements for admission are detailed in the University's Policy: Admissions.

To be eligible for admission to the Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine, applicants must also meet the following specific requirements:

  • Completion of a Bachelor of Nursing or equivalent and general registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.

Students seeking registration with the Paramedicine Board of Australia will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency as specified in their English language skills registration standard.

1 year full-time
Graduate Satisfaction