Graduate Diploma
School of Medicine
The Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine is a unique and contemporary avenue to study postgraduate paramedicine in just one year. Our program is delivered through the University of Notre Dame Australia School of Medicine and provides registered nurses (registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia) an option to diversify their career in the health sector. The Diploma is specifically aligned with the professional capabilities of registered paramedics, as governed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
To be eligible for admission to The University of Notre Dame Australia, all applicants must meet the University's minimum requirements for admission. The requirements for admission are detailed in the University's Policy: Admissions.
To be eligible for admission to the Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine, applicants must also meet the following specific requirements:
Students seeking registration with the Paramedicine Board of Australia will be required to demonstrate English language proficiency as specified in their English language skills registration standard.
This program adopts a National Curriculum, preparing students for working as a paramedic in a range of traditional and non-traditional settings. Students will develop the required knowledge, skills, and professional attributes for safe, competent and contemporary professional paramedic practice.
This postgraduate paramedicine program allows students to target specific practice jurisdiction of their interest, producing the highest calibre of work-ready health professionals, and integrate their existing clinical skills and knowledge with the expected standard of an Australian registered paramedic. The Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine draws on National and International evidence-based perspectives of paramedic practice and provides relevant and contemporary opportunities for practice-based and work integrated learning placements.
It's an exciting time for paramedicine, as a fast evolving health profession. The University of Notre Dame Graduate Diploma of Paramedicine program aims to develop paramedics for the future. Future career opportunities may include working in out of hospital emergency health care, emergency ambulance services in Australia, international organisations, patient transport, mine sites or in a range of other non-emergency roles.
To practice as a paramedic in Australia, you must register with the Paramedicine Board of Australia.
Find out more registration information.
There are requirements for dual registration as a registered nurse and paramedic.
More information.
Students will complete eight compulsory courses worth a total of 200 units of credit. These are listed below:
Full details of the program requirements are contained in the Program Requirements.