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Doctor of Medical Science

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Doctorate (PhD)

Doctor of Medicine (MD) graduates from UWA will be committed to the wellbeing of the patient, community and society as responsible, accountable, scholarly, capable, caring and culturally safe doctors.
Entry Requirements
Admission requirements

If you're interested in furthering your career by studying this postgraduate course, find out the admission details below

Domestic School Leaver
School leaver entry to Medicine for domestic applicants

Australian citizens (including dual citizenship holders), permanent residents and New Zealand citizens are domestic students.

You may be eligible to apply for a school leaver place if you are currently completing high school ATAR (or equivalent level studies) or on a gap year, and have not commenced in university degree studies or vocational training at diploma level or above.

Domestic school leaver entry is a competitive process based on ATAR or equivalent, UCAT ANZ score and an interview process.

Domestic School Leaver
School leaver entry to Medicine for domestic applicants

Domestic school leaver applications for UWA Medicine via Biomedicine (Specialised) are via
, and will open in line with TISC timelines, closing late September.

Entry into this course is a competitive process based on ATAR or equivalent, UCAT ANZ score and an interview process. Minimum eligibility requirement must be met to be considered for a place.

Successful applicants will receive a conditional place in the Doctor of Medicine (MD). School leaver entry in the MD is conditional upon

successful completion of UWA's
Bachelor of Biomedicine (Specialised)
with the
Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice
major, and achieving a minimum selection GPA of 5.5 within the first two years of the Bachelor's degree. The Integrated Medical Sciences and Clinical Practice major provides one year of credit towards the MD, allowing completion of both degrees in six years of full time study.

Eligibility requirements
  • Minimum ATAR 98 for Rural, Broadway and/or High Academic Achievers (HAA). Minimum ATAR 90 for applicants who are eligible for the Indigenous school leaver pathway (contact the School of Indigenous Studies for more information).
  • UCAT ANZ score
  • Interview
  • English language competency

For the Broadway and Rural quotas the ATAR minimum is after applicable Broadway adjustments. HAA eligibility is on the basis of ATAR prior to any Broadway adjustment. EAS or Uway adjustments are taken into account for all quotas. There are a small number of places available for domestic school leavers who have completed Year 12 or equivalent at a school outside of Western Australia and have achieved the minimum ATAR or equivalent.

Details about quota eligibility can be found under the heading

Which entry pathway?
on the admissions tab on the MD course page.
Application process and timelines
  • Applicants must register for and sit UCAT ANZ during the year of application (registrations usually close during May, test sittings take place during July and August).
  • Applicants are required to lodge a TISC application.
  • Applications will open according to TISC timelines and close late September.
  • UWA's Rural eligibility form must be submitted via TISC by the TISC closing date for Medicine.
  • Refer to the TISC guide for current course codes and application deadlines.
  • Notifications regarding interview eligibility will be sent via email during the week commencing 18 November 2024 (after WACE exams are complete)
  • Interviews for all domestic school leavers are planned to take place during selected dates within the period 25 November through 8 December 2024. Be aware that not all dates within this range will be available. Information regarding specific dates will be provided to shortlisted candidates. Candidates who cannot attend their interview within the offered date range cannot be guaranteed an alternative date.
  • Course offers will be as per TISC timelines

Final ranking for course offers
  • Final ranking will be based on ATAR or equivalent (30%), interview (50%) and UCAT ANZ score (20%)
  • Final ranking for Rural applicants will be based on ATAR or equivalent (22.5%), interview (37.5%), UCAT ANZ score (15%), and rurality rating (25%)
  • School leavers may defer an offer for one year. School leavers with Australian permanent residency or dual citizenship who have National Service obligations may defer up to two years.

UCAT ANZ - University Clinical Aptitude Test

All applicants to the domestic High Academic Achiever, Rural and Broadway Assured Pathways to Medicine must sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT ANZ). UCAT ANZ must be sat during the application year, that is, the year prior to commencement in the Assured Pathway. UCAT ANZ assesses a range of attributes identified as important by university medical and dental schools for success in their programs or courses, and later as a clinician.

Free, comprehensive preparation materials, including an online guide, tutorials, question banks and practice tests are available on the UCAT ANZ official website.

All resources contained on the UCAT ANZ website are FREE. Candidates should be aware that while third party organisations may charge fees for books, courses and coaching, these organisations do not have access to any information which is not already freely available. UWA does not recommend or endorse any commercially available courses offering admissions test preparation, including those held on UWA grounds.

UCAT ANZ results

UWA will use the overall UCAT ANZ score which is generated by UCAT ANZ, summing the individual scale scores of Verbal Reasoning, Decision Making, Quantitative Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning. The total scale score ranges from 1200 to 3600.

The Situational Judgement section has its own score. While this section of the test is not currently part of the overall score, UWA reserves the right to use the Situational Judgement score as part of its selection processes.

Your UCAT ANZ score will be available within 24 hours of sitting the test. The UCAT ANZ Office provides results for all candidates direct to the University. Ensure that you provide your correct UCAT ANZ id with your TISC application.

Invitations for interview will be based on UCAT ANZ performance. There is no set minimum score requirement; the UCAT ANZ threshold is set by ranking within each quota each year. Minimum results from previous years are not published as these do not provide meaningful predictive information for future applicants.

Applicants must sit UCAT ANZ the year of application (that is, the year prior to commencement). The UCAT ANZ score cannot be carried over from a previous application year.

Prerequisite and recommended subjects

Student who attain a school leaver place in UWA Medicine will first complete a UWA's Bachelor of Biomedicine (Specialised) and then progress into the MD. In addition to English language competency requirements, the following ATAR or equivalent subjects are recommended, or may be taken as Level 1 university units:


Maths Applications or higher

Students who plan to apply for school leaver entry into the MD should prioritise getting their highest possible marks. Students who have not undertaken prerequisite ATAR or equivalent subjects are able to undertake bridging units as part of their bachelor's degree studies.
English competency

English is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

Graduate applicants require at least two successful years of full-time or equivalent degree studies undertaken in Australia, Canada (excluding Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America. Applicants presenting with the IELTS Academic require an overall score of at least 7.0 and no band less than 7.0.

For more information visit
ELC requirements
English competency
Bonded Medical Program

The Australian Government's Bonded Medical Program aims to provide more Australian trained doctors where there are workforce shortages, particularly in regional, rural and remote Australia.

Bonded Medical Program
School leaver entry to Medicine for international students

International school leavers do not hold Australian citizenship, permanent residency or New Zealand citizenship and are currently completing high school ATAR (or equivalent level studies) or a gap year, and have not commenced in university degree studies or vocational training at diploma level or above. Further information regarding International student status can be found below under the heading Which entry pathway is for me?

International school leaver entry is a competitive process based on ATAR or equivalent, ISAT score and an interview process.

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL LEAVER School leaver entry to Medicine for international students
QUOTA ELIGIBILITY Which entry pathway is for me?
Your quota eligibility will define your entry pathway, minimum requirements for consideration, as well as how you will apply. You will be ranked for course offers against other eligible applicants within your quota, and you may be eligible for one or more subquotas within this course.
QUOTA ELIGIBILITY Which entry pathway is for me?
MD - availability of places

There are 206 domestic places in this course and a further 40 places for international students. 50% of places are allocated via school leaver entry and all remaining places via graduate entry.

Within the domestic quota up to 10% of places are allocated for Indigenous students, and 30% for Rural students. Twenty of the school leaver places are allocated to students from Broadway schools.

28.5% of all domestic places are Bonded Medical Places.

MD - availability of places
University graduate Graduate entry to Medicine

Bachelor degree holders or students who are close to completing their first bachelor's degree may be eligible to apply for graduate entry into the Doctor of Medicine (MD).

Graduate entry into the MD is a competitive process based on GPA, GAMSAT (or equivalent) score and an interview process.

University graduate Graduate entry to Medicine

Graduate entry: GPA calculation and accepted degrees

The selection GPA (sGPA) forms part of the eligibility and selection criteria for graduate entry into this course. The UWA Admissions team will calculate the sGPA. Applicants must meet the specified minimum sGPA to be considered for a place in this course.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENT Graduate entry: GPA calculation and accepted degrees


The interview allows shortlisted candidates to display some of the personal qualities considered desirable in health care practitioners.

Inherent Requirements

The UWA Medical School supports the national framework outlined in Every Doctor, Every Setting and the MDANZ Inclusive Medical Education. We prioritise the well-being of all our medical students and foster a nurturing and supportive learning environment.

If you're a prospective student and have any concerns about fulfilling the inherent requirements of the course, the Medical School will assess your situation and explore ways to make teaching and assessments more accessible on an individual basis.

If you have any concerns or queries, contact the UWA Admissions team via email to seek further information and/or support.

Inherent Requirements
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction

Doctorate (PhD)

Gold Coast
This degree will help you take your first step on the road to becoming a doctor.
Entry Requirements

The Doctor of Medicine (MD) program at Griffith University is a GRADUATE ENTRY program. As such, ALL applicants are to have completed or be in the final year of completing an undergraduate degree before they are eligible to apply for entry.

Applicants to the MD are encouraged from all degree backgrounds.

The medical selection criteria comprise three essential components:

  1. completion of a Bachelor degree or other 'key degree' (see below) achieving an overall GPA of 5.0 or above on a 7-point scale calculated using the GEMSAS schema.
  2. performance in the Graduate Medical School Admission Test (GAMSAT) - applicants must achieve a minimum score of 50 in each GAMSAT section.
  3. performance in the Griffith University Multi Station Admissions Assessment (GUMSAA).

The GPA will be added to the GAMSAT score (50:50) by converting GPA and GAMSAT to a percentage score in order to rank applicants for selection for GUMSAA.

Key degree

Applicants must have achieved a minimum GPA of 5.0 in their most recent Bachelor or other key degree. A key degree is a Bachelor degree, Honours degree, Masters (coursework or research) or a PhD.

Applicants are ranked for interview based on selections rank derived from a 50/50 combination of an unweighted GPA (converted to a percentage) and the overall GAMSAT score (also from 100). This combination rank means that a lower GAMSAT score may be offset by a higher GPA and vice versa (within the minimum requirement limits).

Griffith recognises two year accelerated Bachelor degrees or one year conversion degrees for the purposes of admission to Medicine. However, these degrees MUST be complete at the time of application.

For completed Bachelor degrees, the GPA will be calculated using the GEMSAS grading schema and will be calculated over the final three years of full-time study. Applicants who are in the final year of a Bachelor degree at the time of application will have a GPA calculated over all grades available to date.

The GPA for completed Honours degrees will have a final year GPA applied according to the classification awarded (as per the conversion table in this guide). The balance of the GPA calculation will be based on the final two years of the undergraduate degree.

Completed Masters by Research only (where the degree is non-graded) will receive a GPA of 7.0 for the duration of equivalent full-time study up to a maximum of two years. The balance of the GPA calculation will be based on the final one or two years of the undergraduate degree.

Completed Masters by Coursework (or a combination of coursework and research) will have a GPA calculated from the graded components of the program for the duration of equivalent full-time years of study in the program with the balance of the GPA calculation being based on the final one or two years of the undergraduate degree.

Completed PhDs will receive an overall GPA of 7.0.

The key degree must have been completed within 10 years of the projected commencement date. Applicants whose key degree was completed outside the 10 year period are considered for admission if they have completed (with a passing GPA) the equivalent of one year of full time tertiary study within the past 10 years.

Offer types

There are 198 Commonwealth Supported Places available in the graduate entry Doctor of Medicine (MD) program at Griffith University. One of the place types has bonding arrangements.

Approximately 80 places each year are reserved for students entering the graduate entry medical program from the Bachelor of Medical Science facilitated entry into Medicine pathway. Applicants for the MD program are required to nominate their preferred offer types in order of preference when filling out their GEMSAS applications. Applicants must nominate at least one preference out of the two possible options. Offers are subsequently made according to the student's entry rank and offer preference.

To qualify for the bonded offer type that the School has available, applicants must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia at the time of application (citizens of New Zealand do not meet this requirement).

Griffith University Rural Priority Access Scheme

A proportion of the Griffith University medical intake will be required to be from a rural background (MM 2-7). Therefore, applicants who meet these criteria will be given priority access to Griffith University selection interviews (GUMSAA). More information is available here.

Griffith University First Peoples' Health Pathway

Griffith upholds a commitment to support people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent to pursue a medical career. More information is available here.

Graduate Medical School Admission Test (GAMSAT)

All applicants may apply using a valid GAMSAT score. The minimum GAMSAT score for applications to be considered further is 50/50/50.

GAMSAT scores are required to be no more than two years old at the time of application.

MD/PhD pathway

Applications for admission are to be submitted to the Dean of Medicine (Head, School of Medicine) during Year 2/Trimester 2 of study in the Doctor of Medicine program. Applicants to the MD/PhDs pathway should have:

  • a numerical score equivalent to a Distinction for Year 1 of the MD;
  • approval by the Head of School and satisfying the admission requirements as detailed in the Higher Degree Research policy:
    • a Bachelor degree with first-class Honours or second-class Honours (Division A); or
    • a Masters degree incorporating a significant research component from a recognised institution; or
    • a record of research, such as publication authorship, research employment, or a qualification granted by a professional or other body deemed by the Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School, to be of a standard comparable to a Bachelor degree with second-class Honours (Division A).
4 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
International Tuition Fees
$73,000 per year / $292,000 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Doctorate (PhD)

The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences) at the University of Melbourne marks a student's admission to the community of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences scholars.
4 years full-time, 8 years part-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction

Doctorate (PhD)

As a doctoral research degree candidate, you will uncover new knowledge either by the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories or the innovative reinterpretation of known data and established ideas.
4 years full-time
Study Mode
In person, Online

Doctorate (PhD)

This course provides theoretical and clinical knowledge in podiatric surgery to an advanced level. The Doctor of Podiatric Surgery (DPS) is a 5-year part-time postgraduate course for registered general podiatrists wishing to become podiatric surgeons.
Entry Requirements
Admission requirements

If you're interested in furthering your career by studying this postgraduate course, find out the admission details below

Admission Requirements
To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have-
(a) an entry to practice General Podiatry degree or equivalent recognised by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA);
(b) unrestricted current registration as a General Podiatrist in Australia*;
(c) at least two years of relevant professional experience outlined in a curriculum vitae, including a cover letter
* applicants must remain registered for the duration of the course
Admission Requirements
To be considered for admission to this course an applicant must have-
(a) an entry to practice General Podiatry degree or equivalent recognised by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA);
(b) unrestricted current registration as a General Podiatrist in Australia*;
(c) at least two years of relevant professional experience outlined in a curriculum vitae, including a cover letter
* applicants must remain registered for the duration of the course
Ranking and Selection Process
Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on-
(a) a structured interview in which eligible applicants will be assessed based on the attributes and background considered desirable in podiatric surgery;
(b) the intake quota for that year;
(c) a selection score determined by the interview score, curriculum vitae, and weighted average mark of the general podiatry degree
Ranking and Selection Process

Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on-
(a) a structured interview in which eligible applicants will be assessed based on the attributes and background considered desirable in podiatric surgery;
(b) the intake quota for that year;
(c) a selection score determined by the interview score, curriculum vitae, and weighted average mark of the general podiatry degree

English competency

English is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

Minimum overall IELTS score of 6.5, with no band less than 6.0.

English competency

Doctorate (PhD)

5 years full-time
Study Mode
In person

Doctorate (PhD)

This research-based higher degree develops research skills and advances knowledge. Why research at Curtin Curtin is widely recognised for applied research firmly focused on solving real-world problems.
3 years full-time
Study Mode
In person

Doctorate (PhD)

Make a difference in your community with the new Joint Program in Medicine from Western Sydney University and Charles Sturt University.
Intake Months
5 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Tuition Fees
$69,040 per year / $345,200 total

Doctorate (PhD)

Launched in 2011 as the first Australian medical course at masters level , the Melbourne MD created a new benchmark in 21st century medical education.
Intake Months
4 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Domestic Tuition Fees
$322,742 total
Graduate Satisfaction

Doctor of Medical Science overview

The Doctor of Medical Science and equivalent programs offer an exceptional chance to undergo important research into a field-specific discipline. They take four years of full time study to complete, or up to eight years part time. The University of Melbourne and other institutions offer these strictly to the highest calibur students. Students are expected to write a roughly 70,000 word thesis by the end of the program, which is the culmination of all work done up until that point. This word count isn’t inclusive of graphs, diagrams and bibliography.

Employment options

Graduates from these programs can find themselves well-positioned to enter the employment options here. Working for the government as a forensic scientist, for instance, is a way to utilise these skills in pursuit of criminals. Being a medical researcher at Research Australia is another excellent application, as there’s direct skill transference between the sort of work done during a doctorate and this.

There’s also the option of working for universities as either a researcher or professor. This can be an equally rewarding career path.

Scholarships and funding

Students from these programs have some excellent funding opportunities to choose from. Some great medical science specific opportunities include:

There are also some inter-disciplinary scholarships to consider due to their sheer value. Some of the best include:

  • Endeavour Scholarships and Fellowships valued at $69,500 pa. Doing a doctorate in medical science is highly optimal for this scholarship, as they’re looking for people with significant research acumen and potential.
  • General Sir John Monash Scholarships valued at $65,000 pa. This opportunity has students argue for the merits of their course, which medical science doctorates should have an easy time with. After all, they spend their time understanding the nature of the most virulent and devastating diseases known to humankind.
  • The Indigenous Australian Graduate Scholarship is valued at $27,082 pa. Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander students from ANU don’t need to apply, as they’re automatically considered. There is only one of these available each year however, so keep an eye on this one.

Prerequisites and selection process

Applicants generally have several methods of entry:

  • A four year bachelor’s degree in a cognate discipline with at least second class honours. A ‘cognate discipline’ generally means either engineering, science or specifically medical science. The greater the relevance, the better the chance of admission.
  • A three year bachelor’s degree in a cognate discipline combined with a graduate certificate or diploma.
  • A Master of Medical Science.
  • Roughly seven years of work experience in a relevant field.