Tackle challenging population health issues and make a difference in food safety, disease control, prevention programs, health promotion and environmental health.
Entry Requirements
2-year program
You must have a recognised bachelor degree (or higher qualification) in any discipline.
1.5-year program: all majors
You must have a recognised bachelor degree in one of the following disciplines:
Behavioural science psychology
Health information management
Medicine (Australian degrees only)
Nutrition dietetics
Paramedic science
Public health
1.5-year program: cross specialisation
You must have a recognised bachelor degree in one of the following disciplines:
Any other health discipline not listed above
Biomedical science
Human services
Media and communication
Medical laboratory science
Social work
Academic entry requirements
Master of Public Health - 2 year program
A completed recognised bachelor degree (or higher)
with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4 (on QUT's 7 point scale)
in any discipline.
Master of Public Health - 1.5 year program
Applicants who have a completed recognised bachelor degree
with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4 (on QUT's 7 point scale)
in health will be eligible for 48 credit points of advanced standing which will reduce your course to three semesters full-time (1.5 years).