Updating Results

The University of Western Australia (UWA)

  • 22% international / 78% domestic

Doctor of Podiatric Medicine

  • Doctorate (PhD)

The Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree is a comprehensive course designed to produce highly trained and competent podiatrists who are well prepared to enter clinical practice as primary contact health care practitioners in the diagnosis and Most graduate podiatrists...

Key details

Degree Type
Doctorate (PhD)
Course Code
91870, 075343A
Study Mode
In person

About this course

The Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) is a three-year programme for entry into professional practice as a podiatrist. The aim of the course is to produce graduates able to treat and educate their patients effectively and appropriately in a professional and responsible way. The programme conforms to its CREATE themes, which strives to produce highly trained clinicians, researchers, educators, advocates, team-minded professionals and ethical practitioners. There are two semesters of equal length in each year. The first year covers bioscience, while years two and three cover the theoretical and practical aspects of podiatric medicine, alongside supporting subjects research, biostatistics and general medicine, all of which fall within the second year. These subjects help students to understand the diagnosis and management of diseases and conditions that affect the lower limb, and to take a leading role in the interdisciplinary management of foot and ankle problems. In the final year, in addition to more advanced coverage of theoretical and practical podiatry, students undertake a supervised research project which follows their training in research methods the previous year. They also undertake weekly clinical placements in a variety of external locations, principally tertiary hospitals and private practices, to learn patient management in the workplace environment. The study of podiatric medicine in the DPM includes biomechanics, sports medicine, minor surgery, the diabetic and acute foot, geriatric and paediatric podiatry and podiatric surgery, as well as general practice. The Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (91870) is accredited by the Podiatry Accreditation Committee, Ahpra.

Entry requirements

Admission requirements

If you're interested in furthering your career by studying this postgraduate course, find out the admission details below

Domestic School Leaver
Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine for domestic students

With the Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine school leavers can apply for their Bachelor's degree and the DPM in one application.

Entry is a competitive process based on ATAR or equivalent and an interview.

Domestic School Leaver
Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine for domestic students

Successful applicants who gain a place in an Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine will commence UWA undergraduate studies and, on completion, progress into the DPM. The Assured Pathway place in the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine is conditional on successful completion of a
UWA bachelor's degree
with a minimum selection GPA of 5.0 and appropriate prerequisite units.

Assured Pathway students who undertake the Bachelor of Biomedicine (Specialised) with the Podiatric Health & Medical Sciences extended major will gain credit to the DPM and can complete both degrees in five years. Student may choose to do a different major or bachelor's degree in which case it will take a minimum of six years of study to complete both degrees.

Minimum eligibility requirements
Prerequisite and recommended subjects

Assured Pathway students must complete a UWA bachelor's degree before commencing the DPM. In addition to English language competency requirements, there may be other prerequisites depending on the chosen major.

It is recommended to study ATAR or equivalent Chemistry and Maths Applications or higher, however school leavers who have not completed these subjects can undertake bridging units as part of their bachelor's degree studies.

Application process and timelines
  • Assured Pathway applications for domestic students are via TISC and will close late September according to TISC deadlines.
  • Rural applicants must submit UWA's Rural eligibility form with their TISC application by the TISC deadline.
  • Refer to the TISC guide for current course codes and application deadlines.
  • Interviews are planned to take place during December, prior to the TISC December round offer date - specific dates to be advised.
  • Course offers will be as per TISC timelines.
Final ranking and availability of places
  • Final ranking will be based on ATAR or equivalent and interview score.
  • Up to 25 places across the various domestic quotas will be offered for the Assured Pathway to Podiatry. Up to 10 per cent of available places will be offered to eligible rural applicants, and up to 10 per cent of available places will be offered to eligible Indigenous applicants.
Choice of Bachelor's degree

School leavers who attain a place in the Assured Pathway to Podiatry will first complete the Bachelor of Biomedicine (Specialised) with the extended major Podiatric Health & Medical Sciences. This extended major provides credit towards the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, allowing completion of both degrees in five years.

Students may choose to undertake a different UWA Bachelor's degree, including the four year Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours), as part of the Assured Pathway to Podiatry. In this option the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine will be three years of additional study following completion of the Bachelor's degree. Students who opt out from the accelerated pathway will need to incorporate prerequisites into their Bachelor's degree, which may be included as major, minor, electives or broadening units:

At least one university unit from two of the below listed fields:

  • Anatomy, for example Human Structure and Development ANHB2212
  • Immunology, for example Introduction to Infectious Diseases and Immunology
  • Genetics, for example Molecular Genetics GENE2230
  • Human Biology, for example Human Biology 1: Becoming Human ANHB1101
  • Microbiology, for example Introductory Microbiology MICR2208
  • Pharmacology, for example Foundations of Pharmacology PHAR2210
English competency

English is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.

Graduate applicants require at least two successful years of full-time or equivalent degree studies undertaken in Australia, Canada (excluding Quebec), Ireland, New Zealand, the United Kingdom or the United States of America. Applicants presenting with the IELTS Academic require an overall score of at least 7.0 and no band less than 7.0.

For more information visit
ELC requirements
English competency
Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine for international students

With the International Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine school leavers can apply for their Bachelor's degree and the DPM in one application.

Entry is a competitive process based on ATAR or equivalent and an interview.

Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine for international students

Successful applicants who gain a place in an Assured Pathway to Podiatric Medicine will commence in a UWA Bachelor's degree and on completion progress to their assured place in the postgraduate Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM).

The Assured Pathway place in the DPM is conditional on:

  • successful completion of a UWA bachelor's degree with DPM prerequisites and a minimum selection GPA of 5.0 and appropriate prerequisite units; and
  • retention of international student status

Assured Pathway students who undertake the Podiatric Health and Medical Sciences extended major within their bachelor's degree will commence the DPM in the second year and can complete both degrees with five years of study. Students may choose to do a different major or bachelor's degree in which case it will take a minimum six years of study to complete both degrees.

Minimum eligibility requirements

Minimum ATAR of 94 or equivalent, for example:

14 - GCE or Cambridge Advanced Level Examination*

35 - International Baccalaureate

78 - UWA Foundation Program (UWA College)

74 - Western Australian Universities' Foundation Program (WAUFP)

Applicants who will not have their final results by the application closing date may apply based on a predicted result provided by their school. Refer to application timelines and due dates below. Course offers will be conditional on the actual result being consistent with the predicted result.

*Applicants who will not receive their final A-Level result may receive an offer with the condition that their final result is consistent with their predicted result. Applicants with a conditional offer may commence in their undergraduate degree in February (before their A-level results are released in March). If their final result does not meet the condition, the applicant will lose their Assured Pathway place in the DPM but will not lose their place in the bachelor's degree, and would be able to apply later for graduate entry to the DPM.
Prerequisite and recommended subjects

Assured Pathway students must complete a UWA bachelor's degree before commencing the DPM. In addition to English language competency requirements, there may be other prerequisites depending on the chosen major.

It is recommended to study ATAR or equivalent Chemistry and Maths Applications or higher, however school leavers who have not completed these subjects can undertake bridging units as part of their bachelor's degree studies.

Application timelines and due dates
  • International applications for the International Assured Pathway to Podiatry open 1 March and close 31 August the year prior to commencement.
  • Applications are via UWA's online application system. International students may also apply via an authorised international education agent.
  • Applicants whose final results are not available by the application closing date must submit a Predicted ATAR form (fillable RTF 917KB).
  • The School of Allied Health plans to hold interviews during October.
  • Timing of course offers to be advised.
  • Applicants who attain a place in the International Assured Pathway to Podiatry will commence their UWA bachelor's degree in semester one (late February).
Final ranking and course offers
  • Final ranking will be based on ATAR or equivalent and interview score.
  • Up to three places will be offered for the International Assured Pathway to Podiatry.
  • Students who are offered an International Assured Pathway to Podiatry may defer commencement for one year. Students who must meet a national service obligation may defer for up to two years.
  • Progression into the DPM is conditional on successful completion of a UWA bachelor's degree with DPM prerequisites and a minimum selection GPA of 5.0; and retention of international student status.
QUOTA ELIGIBILITY Which entry pathway is for me?
Your quota eligibility will define your entry pathway, minimum requirements for consideration, as well as how you will apply. You will be ranked for course offers against other eligible applicants within your quota, and you may be eligible for one or more subquotas within this course.
QUOTA ELIGIBILITY Which entry pathway is for me?

The Admissions team can help should you have any queries regarding quota eligibility.

Australian citizens (including dual citizenship holders), permanent residents and New Zealand citizens must apply for a domestic place.

Applicants who are not Australian citizens, permanent residents or New Zealand citizens, must apply for an international place. International students who have applied or are intending to apply for Australian permanent residency or citizenship need to be aware of the following:

  • An offer for an international place will lapse if residency status changes before commencement. Applicants in this situation will need to re-apply during the next admissions period for a domestic place.
  • A student whose residency status changes after commencement in a course subject to quotas cannot be guaranteed a domestic place.
  • International school leavers must retain their international student status to take up their postgraduate International place

School leaver (domestic or international)
A school leaver applicant is currently completing high school ATAR (or equivalent level studies) or on a gap year, and has not commenced in university degree studies or vocational training at diploma level or above. A school leaver in progress of a national service obligation is considered to be on a gap year until completion.

Graduate applicant (domestic or international)
A graduate applicant has completed or will soon complete a recognised Bachelor's degree. The earliest a student may apply for graduate entry is during the final year of their initial Bachelor's degree.

Rural (Domestic graduates and school leavers)
The Rural program is part of a Federal Government initiative to address workforce shortages in medicine, dentistry, and allied healthcare in regional, rural and remote Australia. To be eligible, an applicant's principal home address must have been in an area defined by the Department of Health as regional, rural or remote according to the Modified Monash Model (MMM) for any five years consecutively or at least 10 years cumulatively. A search engine for eligible locations can be found on the DoctorConnect website - click on Modified Monash Model 2019. The MMM 2019 rates locations based on 2016 census data on a scale of 1 - 7. If you are a domestic student who lives or has lived in areas rated MM-2 through MM-7 for the defined periods you may be eligible for consideration within the Rural quota.

Domestic school leaver applicants for Medicine, Dentistry, Podiatric Medicine or Pharmacy who believe they fit the rural definition must submit UWA's Rural Eligibility form with their TISC application to be considered for a Rural place.

Domestic graduate applicants for Dentistry, Podiatric Medicine, Optometry, Pharmacy or Social Work who believe they fit the rural definition must submit UWA's Rural Eligibility form with their UWA application to be considered for a Rural place.

Domestic graduate applicants for Medicine will indicate their eligibility via GEMSAS.

Indigenous (Domestic graduates and school leavers)
Applicants who identify as an Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and are accepted as such by the community in which they live, or have lived, are eligible for consideration as an Indigenous applicant. Applicants must provide a person or organisation who can verify their Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander status.

School leaver applicants may initially contact either the School of Indigenous Studies or the Admissions team for additional guidance regarding this pathway.

Graduate applicants may initially contact the Centre for Aboriginal Medical and Dental Health (CAMDH) or the Admissions team for additional guidance regarding this pathway.

Broadway (domestic school leavers)
Broadway UWA is designed to ensure access to UWA courses is available to the broadest range of students with the potential to succeed at university. The program aims to increase the diversity in the student cohorts within health care courses at UWA.

Specified schools are invited to participate in this program. You are eligible for consideration as a Broadway Assured Pathway applicant if you have undertaken your entire Year 12 studies, including WACE, at a UWA Broadway school.

Broadway eligible school-leaver applicants will indicate their school as part of their TISC application. Contact the Admissions team should you have further queries.

University graduate Graduate entry to Podiatric Medicine

Bachelor's degree holders or students who are in progress of their first bachelor's degree may be eligible to apply for graduate entry into the Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM).

Entry is a competitive process based on academic performance and an interview.

University graduate Graduate entry to Podiatric Medicine
Minimum eligibility requirements

To be considered for admission into the DPM, an applicant must:

  • have a bachelor's degree, or an equivalent qualification, as recognised by UWA. Recognised bachelor's degrees are those conferred by Australian universities or higher education institutions recognised by the Australian Qualifications Framework or the National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR). While academic results from postgraduate study will be taken into account, postgraduate studies undertaken without a bachelor's degree cannot be accepted as an equivalent qualification
  • have the equivalent of a Selection Weighted Average Mark (sWAM) of at least 65, and
  • meet the prerequisites (refer to details below).

Applicants who meet the eligibility requirements may be invited to an interview. After the interviews, applicants are ranked according to sWAM and interview score with the highest-ranking applicants being offered a place. Rural applicants will be ranked based on sWAM, interview score and rurality rating (equally weighted).

Students who are in progress of their first bachelor's degree may apply during their final year.

Application timelines and due dates

Interview periods

  • The School of Allied Health plans to carry out online interviews for shortlisted domestic and international applicants on or around 8-9 October.
  • Applicants who are eligible for Indigenous entry should contact the Centre for Aboriginal Medical and Dental Health (CAMDH) regarding interview timelines for the current admissions period.

Course offers

  • Offers are planned to commence during November. Timing of subsequent round offers will depend on the outcome of previous rounds
  • An offer cannot automatically be deferred; in exceptional circumstances, a deferral request may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Applicants should consider their personal circumstances and apply during an admissions period where they are prepared to commence should they receive an offer.

Applicants must complete a bachelor's degree before commencing the DPM. To be considered for a place, applicants must meet the prerequisites:

Demonstrated knowledge in two of the following areas at a tertiary level:

Physiology, pharmacology, anatomy, human biology, microbiology, genetics, immunology or biological chemistry

Final ranking for course offers
  • Final ranking for non-rural domestic and international applicants to the DPM will be based on sWAM and interview score.
  • Final ranking for rural applicants to the DPM will be based equally on sWAM, interview score, and rurality ranking.
  • Final ranking for applicants who are eligible for Indigenous entry will be based on sWAM.
  • Up to 35 places will be offered across all quotas. Up to 10 per cent of available places will be offered to eligible rural applicants, and up to 10 per cent of available places will be offered to eligible Indigenous applicants. Up to five places will be offered to eligible international applicants.
Degree completion - conditional offers

Applicants who are eligible for a course offer during the final year of their initial bachelor's degree will be made a conditional offer requiring them to:

  • attain a minimum sWAM of 65 for semester two of the final year of their degree; and
  • complete their bachelor's degree requirements by the end of the year prior to commencement.

Applicants who are in progress of their initial bachelor's degree and undertake a course of action that will result in receiving late results may not meet offer conditions. Care must be taken if undertaking any course of action which could delay the receipt of results or degree completion. This may include deferred/supplementary exams, undertaking units that fall outside normal semesters (e.g. summer units or trimester units) or going on exchange during the final year of study. Applicants who do not complete all requirements for their initial bachelor's degree by the 31 December deadline will have their offer withdrawn.

The selection Weighted Average Mark (sWAM) forms part of the eligibility and selection criteria for entry into this course. The UWA Admissions team will calculate the sWAM. Applicants must meet the specified minimum sWAM to be considered for a place in this course.
WAM refers to Weighted Average Mark and is a numerical value out of 100 that is calculated from marks received in each completed unit.

For Allied Health courses with a competitive entry process the selection WAM (sWAM) will be calculated from all degree qualifications completed or due to be completed by 31 December the year prior to course commencement.

Results from any degree which will be incomplete as at 31 December of the application year will not be included in the sWAM calculation. The exception is where such studies have been applied as credit or advanced standing to a later degree which is due for completion by 31 December of the application year.

The sWAM will be determined for each included qualification and then weighted by overall duration. All marks received within or credited to a completed degree will be included, including Fail results.

All studies up to the application deadline will be included. Where an applicant qualifies for a course offer with a sWAM calculation which includes a degree due for completion by 31 December of the application year there will be a condition to meet the minimum sWAM of 65 in the final semester of study.

The sWAM will be rounded to two decimal places.

PhD holders will be automatically awarded a selection WAM of 85. This is regardless of other completed degree studies.

The School of Allied Health will interview shortlisted eligible applicants. Shortlisting for interviews will take place after applications have closed.

The interview allows shortlisted candidates to display some of the personal qualities considered desirable in Allied Health practitioners.

  • Applicants who can meet the eligibility requirements will be ranked and shortlisted for an interview based on academic results: selection WAM for graduate applicants and ATAR or equivalent for school leaver applicants.
  • Eligible applicants will be contacted with more information after shortlisting is complete.
  • The interview will be a structured process allowing applicants to display some of the personal qualities considered desirable in allied health practitioners.
  • Applicants who accept their interview will be provided with information and preparation material prior to the interview.

Study locations


Career pathways

Careers and further study

Explore the career opportunities available to you.

Further Study
A 3-year full-time, or 6-year part-time, Doctor of Podiatric Surgery (DPS) course is available for suitable graduates who wish to specialise in elective foot surgery. Research degrees are also available, Doctor of Podiatry or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for graduate podiatrists interested in a career in clinical research.
Further Study A 3-year full-time, or 6-year part-time, Doctor of Podiatric Surgery (DPS) course is available for suitable graduates who wish to specialise in elective foot surgery. Research degrees are also available, Doctor of Podiatry or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for graduate podiatrists interested in a career in clinical research.