Indigenous entry into UNSW Law & Justice Juris Doctor program
The Postgraduate Indigenous Entry Scheme for the Juris Doctor at UNSW is one of many support schemes to grow the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people entering the legal profession.
You'll be part of a cohort of students that are engaged with social justice initiatives and driven to be the next leaders in legal practice.
The scheme is competitive and students who best meet the selection criteria, outlined below, will be considered under the alternate entry scheme and have access to a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP). The scheme is open to those who meet specific requirements.
Transfer from a full-fee place to CSP (UNSW JD Awards)
UNSW JD students enrolled in a full-fee place can apply to transfer to a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) after completing a minimum of 48 units of credit (UOC). Applications will be assessed on the results of your UNSW JD study only. Awards will be offered to those students with the highest overall JD WAM and a minimum WAM of 75.00 is required.
The awards offer a fee reduction up to a maximum of the difference in fees between a full-fee place and a Commonwealth Supported Place for the remaining duration of the awardee's JD program. Up to eight awards are available per year. Applications can be made through UAC Postgraduate. For further information please contact Future Students
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Transfer from another university
We welcome applications from law students wishing to transfer to the UNSW JD from other universities. You may be eligible for advance standing, however a maximum of 48 UOC (1 year full-time) may be awarded for completed law studies. Only completed Bachelors, Masters or PhD qualifications will be considered for admission purposes.
Students who have completed more than 48 UOC may receive an exemption for the additional completed law subjects but no credit. This means they will have to choose elective law courses at UNSW to make up these additional UOC. Students should apply via UAC Postgraduate (also refer to the apply section below).
Credit Transfer Policy
If you've completed prior learning at another tertiary institution or in another UNSW degree, you may be eligible for a credit transfer. Find out more in the Credit Transfer Rules and Regulations.