Masters (Coursework)
The Master of Veterinary Studies runs parallel with training for the Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (FANZCVS). Attend and participate in clinical rounds, seminars, journal club and post-mortem presentations.
Gain Advanced clinical training
Undertake supervised investigation and management of clinical cases (from registered specialist) in a selected field of veterinary clinical science. This is also invaluable preparation for the FANZCVS certifying examinations.
Highly experienced supervising staff
Supervising staff are members of the American, Australian and European specialty Colleges of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Neurology, Diagnostic Imaging, Clinical Pathology, Anaesthesiology, Equine Medicine, Equine Surgery and Clinical Pharmacology.
This course is offered concurrently with the Master of Veterinary Science (Clinical) as part of the Clinical Residency Training Program.
Take on subjects such as advanced clinical skills and principles of medicine and surgery. Clinical skills is designed for veterinary graduates with postgraduate clinical experience who wish to acquire advanced clinical training.
Real-world learning
Through advanced clinical skills, practical work is an integral part of the programs offered. You'll undertake discipline-based clinical placements, which may include participating in ward rounds, unit meetings and outpatient clinics.
learn advanced skills
Through the subject of principles of medicine and surgery, it is designed for veterinary graduates with postgraduate clinical experience who wish to acquire advanced clinical training.
Attain an advanced level of appropriate diagnostic, therapeutic and technical (including instrumentation) skills.
Details of the course structure and individual subjects available can be found here.
Gain knowledge to pass your certifying examinations
Learn the skills and knowledge to prepare and help you pass examinations by the relevant certifying boards of professional bodies.
Expressions of Interest for the 2021 Clinical Residency Training Program should be sent electronically to by August 31, 2020 and must include:
1. Current curriculum vitae,
2. Letter of intent
3. Copy of veterinary school transcript and
4. List of three referees with their contact details.
To ensure that enrolment in the dual Masters program is completed by the residency start date, an application for both the Master of Veterinary Science (Clinical) and Master of Veterinary Studies should be submitted with the University's office of admissions at the time of submission of the Expression of Interest for the Clinical Residency Training Program. Applicants must enrol in both of the following courses: