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The University of Western Australia (UWA)

  • 22% international / 78% domestic

Master of Ore Deposit Geology

  • Masters (Coursework)

Broaden and enhance your knowledge and skills in economic geology and mineral exploration by completing a Master of Ore Deposit Geology.

Key details

Degree Type
Masters (Coursework)
Course Code
Study Mode
In person

About this course

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If you're interested in furthering your career by studying this postgraduate course, find out the admission details below

With world-class ore bodies becoming more difficult to find, there is an increasing recognition that geologists will require new approaches and skills in order to discover new deposits. This course is designed for geoscientists who want to gain up-to-date knowledge and skills in economic geology and mineral exploration. It will allow you to study a spectrum of economic geology topics specifically related to the discovery and evaluation of ore deposits.

Study locations


Career pathways

The Master of Ore Deposit can increase your career opportunities in the minerals industry. Upon graduation, you will have gained knowledge of geological, geophysical and geochemical methods as applied to understanding key processes and factors controlling the formation of ore deposits.

Resource companies, consulting companies, state and federal government agencies will undeniably be looking at your profile and interested in your new skills.

Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Science & Mathematics courses at The University of Western Australia (UWA).
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time
Average salary