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Murdoch University

  • 37% international / 63% domestic

Master of Teaching (Primary)

  • Masters (Coursework)

Teach in a range of settings, in Australia or around the world with this a Master of Teaching degree, specifically designed for graduates who hold a Bachelor's degree in a non-Education field to transition to primary teaching including English, Maths, The Arts, Science, Humanities Languages and...

Key details

Degree Type
Masters (Coursework)
2 years full-time
Course Code
Domestic Fees
$17,280 per year / $34,560 total

About this course


Do you remember your favourite teacher from primary school? Perhaps it was someone you learned a lot from, they taught you new ways of thinking or inspired you in some way. You could be that special teacher for future generations.

The Master of Teaching (Primary) is a full-time initial teaching qualification. The teaching periods are within school terms dates; starting on the first day of the school year. Starting in December 2024 you will be able to get a head start on your studies through the Preparing for Teaching Intensive (EDN587).

This course will enable you to develop the specialist knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to be an effective educator. You will acquire the expert, specialised cognitive and technical skills necessary to practice independently in the classroom. Building on your prior study coupled with extensive professional practice you will be equipped with an advanced skills set to deliver high quality teaching. Learn how Master's student Alannah translated her undergraduate in science into a teaching specialisation with her postgraduate studies.

Murdoch's Master of Teaching (Primary) is characterised by a strong connection between university learning and professional experience in schools throughout the program. A blended approach is used combining online activities and face-to-face learning. Authentic assessments will contribute to your professional teaching portfolio.

The Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary Teaching) is available as an alternative exit pathway after one year of study.

3 reasons to study the Master of Teaching (Primary) at Murdoch

  1. Be embedded in schools where you'll have the opportunity to connect theory and practice.
  1. Learn from experienced teaching professionals who are here to support you in becoming a confident, creative and flexible educator.
  1. Practise dealing with challenging behaviour and conflict resolution through our SimLabTM before your first prac. It's a virtual workplace that uses actors and avatars - and the only technology of its kind in WA.

What you'll learn

Build essential skills and knowledge to meet your career or study goals. Topics you'll cover include:

  • Strategies for effective learning and teaching
  • Understanding and preparing for the profession of teaching
  • How to help children learn numeracy and literacy
  • Enacting the primary curriculum in mathematics, English, science, humanities and social sciences, the arts, languages and physical education
  • Exploring how diversity can be accommodated in the classroom

Your future career

On completion of this course, you will have the knowledge and skillset required to teach Years 1-6 in primary schools in Australia or around the world.

Professional accreditation

Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) in articulation with the Teacher Registration Board of WA (TRBWA) http://www.trb.wa.gov.au/

Professional recognition

On completion of the Master of Teaching (Primary) students have a widely accepted qualification from a recognised university and are eligible to apply for registration with the Teacher Registration Board of WA (or other appropriate state-based registration boards).

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Entry requirements

A recognised Bachelor's degree or higher, with at least one year of full-time equivalent study relevant to one or more of the learning areas of the Primary curriculum (i.e. English, Mathematics, the Arts, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health and Physical Education). Entry to the course requires evidence of consistent and sustained high achievement (grades of credit and above) in a relevant undergraduate bachelor degree

Study locations


How to apply

How to apply

Please indicate above whether you're a domestic or international student intending to study at a Western Australian campus.

Your document checklist

Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have all the following documentation ready for a quick application.

Compulsory documents

Evidence that you meet Academic entry and English language requirements such as:

  • Official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion (of your highest academic study)
  • ATAR results (if available)
  • STAT results (if applicable)
  • Evidence of meeting the minimum English language requirements

Course specific documents

All applicants

Recommended documents (if applicable)

  1. Change of name documentation
  2. Marriage certificate

Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Teacher Education courses at Murdoch University.
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time
Average salary