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Murdoch University

  • 37% international / 63% domestic

Graduate Diploma in Extractive Metallurgy

  • Graduate Diploma

Gain specific training in the core disciplines of extractive metallurgy - mineral processing, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy, as well as process metallurgy relevant to mineralogy, to develop the specialised knowledge required for a career in the minerals industry.

Key details

Degree Type
Graduate Diploma
1 year full-time
Course Code
Domestic Fees
$24,120 per year / $24,120 total

About this course


This course will benefit you if you are a current professional working in the minerals industry and require specialist knowledge in extractive metallurgy, or if you are looking to prepare for a higher degree in extractive metallurgy (i.e. Masters or PhD).

You'll gain an insight into the extraction and refinement processes involved in comminution, pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy and learn the fundamental economic and financial considerations that impact the mineral resource sector.

You will understand the unit operations involved in mineral processing and metallurgical process plants, the relevant properties of feed and product minerals and conduct practical work to develop skills in the techniques of mineral identification and analysis, information access and communication. You'll also conduct hands-on learning through working in laboratories with industry relevant mineral processing equipment.

3 reasons to study a Graduate Diploma in Extractive Metallurgy at Murdoch

  1. Fit study around your work commitments by choosing to study on-campus, online, full-time or part-time with this highly flexible degree format.
  2. Make use of our $10.1 million Bayer Industrial Pilot Plant - a full-scale engineering plant, the only one of its kind in WA.
  3. Learn from industry experts who have research expertise in mineral processing, metallurgical processing, hydrometallurgy and mineralogy.

What you'll learn

  • Advanced mineral processing
  • Practical metallurgical processing
  • Extractive metallurgy techniques
  • Hydrometallurgical processes
  • Process mineralogy

Your future career

Many students taking this qualification will already be employed in the minerals industry as engineers or chemists. Other graduates can expect to find employment in:

  • Mining and mineral processing operations
  • Metal extraction plants and refineries
  • Engineering design and consulting firms
  • Metallurgical process research and development companies
  • Government bodies dealing with aspects relating to the minerals resources sector
  • Legal firms involved in the management of intellectual properties and legislation within the industry

Professional recognition

Diplomates are eligible for professional membership of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

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Entry requirements

Recognised Bachelor's degree (AQF Level 7) or higher, or equivalent training, in a relevant area. Students with alternative satisfactory preparation may also be admitted. Students who do not have equivalent knowledge and background in chemistry, thermodynamics, physics and mathematics will be required to undertake additional preparatory units prior to admission.

Study locations


How to apply

How to apply

Please indicate above whether you're a domestic or international student intending to study at a Western Australian campus.

Your document checklist

Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have all the following documentation ready for a quick application.

Compulsory documents

Evidence that you meet Academic entry and English language requirements such as:

  • Official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion (of your highest academic study)
  • Evidence of meeting the minimum English language requirements

Recommended documents (if applicable)

  1. Most recent Curriculum Vitae if applying using professional experience
  2. Change of name documentation
  3. Marriage certificate
  4. Unit outlines if applying for Advanced Standing