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Murdoch University

  • 37% international / 63% domestic

Graduate Diploma in Energy and Carbon Studies

  • Graduate Diploma

Be part of finding the solution for climate change with a Graduate Diploma in Energy and Carbon Studies. Acquire knowledge and skills in renewable and sustainable energy, as well as carbon and energy management.

Key details

Degree Type
Graduate Diploma
1 year full-time
Course Code
G1079, 094617M
Domestic Fees
$24,120 per year / $24,120 total
International Fees
$41,640 per year / $41,640 total

About this course


The Paris Agreement on climate change, growing world populations and limited fossil fuel resources have all created increased demand for renewable energy. How we increase supply, and integrate renewable energy into the current energy supply sector is driving the demand for professionals with climate change skills across the Asia Pacific region and Australia to serve as leaders of the emerging "green" economy.

Develop the critical skills needed for the energy and carbon industries, and apply them to the challenges of global environmental and social change. Our industry-focussed units will equip you with skills such as energy auditing, carbon accounting, designing renewable energy systems, preparing energy policy briefs for government and developing corporate carbon management strategies.

Successful completion of this course provides a clear pathway to the final year of the Master of Renewable and Sustainable Energy degree.

3 reasons to study a Graduate Diploma in Energy and Carbon Studies at Murdoch

  1. Join the forefront of energy teaching and research since 1975 by studying at Murdoch, and undertake the most comprehensive suite of postgraduate course on energy and carbon studies within Australia.
  2. Our course has been developed in conjunction with energy and carbon consultants, so you'll graduate with the skills needed by industry. Learn from industry and academia experts who have research expertise in renewable energy system design and performance, energy efficient buildings and transport, sustainable energy development, Smart Cities, climate change risk assessments, carbon neutral strategies, energy storage, and biomass technology.
  3. Take advantage of our teaching and research facilities, including our renewable energy outdoor test area for research and development on solar photovoltaic technology, solar thermal power, wind turbines, hybrid systems and micro-grid technology.

What you'll learn

  • Energy auditing and reporting
  • Carbon accounting and reporting
  • Developing corporate energy and carbon management strategies
  • Analysing energy policy and writing policy briefs for government
  • Designing renewable energy systems.

Your future career

This course is designed to provide graduate training for Australian and international professionals working, or wishing to work, in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, climate change or environmental management. You could expect to gain employment in the following industries and organisations such as power generation, renewable energy, manufacturing and installation, government departments and international aid, energy efficiency and environmental consultancies, university and private industry research organisations or local councils.

Professional recognition

Students who complete the unit PEN590 Energy Systems as part of this course are eligible for provisional accreditation by the Clean Energy Council for design of stand-alone photovoltaic systems.

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Entry requirements

Recognised Bachelor's degree (AQF Level 7) or higher, or equivalent training, or satisfactory preparation for the course through previous study or professional experience. Some of the units taken assume some prior knowledge, details of which are given in the description of each unit in the Handbook. The most common of these is the high school Physics prerequisite for units such as Energy in Society, Energy Management, and Energy Systems. Some students may therefore need to complete additional prerequisite units.

Study locations


How to apply

How to apply

Please indicate above whether you're a domestic or international student intending to study at a Western Australian campus.

Your document checklist

Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have all the following documentation ready for a quick application.

Compulsory documents

Evidence that you meet Academic entry and English language requirements such as:

  • Official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion (of your highest academic study)
  • Evidence of meeting the minimum English language requirements

Recommended documents (if applicable)

  1. Most recent Curriculum Vitae if applying using professional experience
  2. Change of name documentation
  3. Marriage certificate
  4. Unit outlines if applying for Advanced Standing

Your document checklist

Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have all the following documentation ready for a quick application.

Compulsory documents

  1. Evidence that you meet Academic entry and English language requirements such as:
    • Official Academic Transcripts and Certificates of Completion (of your highest academic study) both original and English translated versions.
    • Evidence of meeting the minimum English language requirements
  2. GTE documents (if applicable) - Check the GTE requirements page for further information
    • GTE Form 2
    • Personal Statement (SOP)
    • Up to date Curriculum Vitae
  3. A copy of your Passport

Recommended documents

  1. Most recent Curriculum Vitae if applying using professional experience
  2. A copy of your visa documents (if available)
  3. A copy of any past visa rejection documents (if applicable)
  4. Packaged offer letter (if applicable)
  5. Sponsorship documents if you study will be sponsored
  6. Unit outlines if applying for Advanced Standing

Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Engineering courses at Murdoch University.
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time
Average salary