Graduate Certificate
More people are moving around the world than ever, and trade between nations and regions always increasing. With this comes increased risk of spreading plant pests and diseases that are damaging to food crops and the natural environment. Plant biosecurity is fundamental to managing the threat posed by plant-affecting organisms, and is of vital importance to world trade, environmental protection, and agriculture.
Learn how plant biosecurity measures such as risk analysis, quarantine and surveillance are used to stop the entry and spread of exotic organisms locally and internationally. You'll gain an in-depth knowledge of rapid emergency response to an incursion, and how to manage pest organisms if they become permanently established in a new region and start impacting trade.
Biosecurity is a growing field of activity for many professionals involved in agriculture, the environment and international and domestic trade to maintain agricultural and environmental integrity. This course will also appeal to those wishing to pursue careers in food production and postharvest management, in both the private and public sectors.
3 reasons to study a Graduate Certificate in Plant Biosecurity at Murdoch
Develop your skills
Build essential skills and knowledge to meet your career or study goals. Topics you'll cover include:
Your future career
After completing this degree, you will be able to pursue careers in biosecurity, quarantine and pest management, acting in technical, research and administrative roles with organisations such as the State Departments of Agriculture, State and Federal Biosecurity Agencies, Plant Health Australia, Animal Health Australia and private industry, or their international counterparts. Careers could include:
Professional recognition
Graduates will be eligible to apply for membership to societies such as the Australian Entomological Society, the Australian Plant Pathology Society, the Australian Ecological Society, the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science, the Australian Society of Horticultural Sciences and the Australian Society for Risk Analysis.
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A Bachelor's degree or higher, or significant professional experience, in plant biosecurity or a related discipline (for example entomology, plant pathology, quarantine).
Please indicate above whether you're a domestic or international student intending to study at a Western Australian campus.
Your document checklist
Ready to apply? Before you start, make sure you have all the following documentation ready for a quick application.
Compulsory documents
Evidence that you meet Academic entry and English language requirements such as:
Recommended documents (if applicable)