Gain specific training in the core disciplines of extractive metallurgy - mineral processing, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy, as well as process metallurgy relevant to mineralogy, to develop the specialised knowledge required for a career in the minerals industry.
Entry Requirements
Recognised Bachelor's degree (AQF Level 7) or higher, or equivalent training, in a relevant area. Students with alternative satisfactory preparation may also be admitted. Students who do not have equivalent knowledge and background in chemistry, thermodynamics, physics and mathematics will be required to undertake additional preparatory units prior to admission.
USQ’s Master of Spatial Science Technology (Geographic Information Systems) is ideal if you have a three or four-year bachelor degree and you want to extend your knowledge in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements Australian university three or four-year Bachelor degree in an approved discipline, or equivalent. English Language Requirements You are required to satisfy the applicable English language requirements. This program requires a minimum of IELTS 6. 5 or equivalent. If you do not meet the English language requirements you may apply to study a University-approved English language program. We can help
Which part of our planet do you want to explore? Deep beneath the lithosphere, or out into the atmosphere? Our research ranges from the solid Earth to the fluid Earth and the processes that operate at the interface of these regions.