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Doctor of Viticulture

Find the best Doctor of Viticulture

Doctor of Viticulture overview

Gaining a doctorate degree in viticulture will help students advance their career in grape production or winemaking. A PhD will let you delve deeper into the study field by doing more advanced research on an area of particular interest to you. The typical duration of a PhD is three years, depending on how students tailor their research.

Employment options

Candidates with a PhD in viticulture will have many employment opportunities available to them. A PhD is also necessary for advancing to a lead scientist role or entering the world of academia.

Scholarships and funding

Most PhD students in Australia will be eligible for a stipend of some kind during their studies. It could be in the form of tutorial assistance, fellowships, or grant support.

Prerequisites and selection process

Admission to a PhD program will require a bachelor’s or master’s research degree in viticulture or equivalent. The more elite programs will require an exceptional academic record and work experience for guaranteed entry.