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Doctor of Physiotherapy in Perth

Find the best Doctor of Physiotherapy in Perth

Doctorate (PhD)

As a doctoral research degree candidate, you will uncover new knowledge either by the discovery of new facts, the formulation of theories or the innovative reinterpretation of known data and established ideas.
4 years full-time
Study Mode
In person, Online
Graduate Satisfaction

Doctorate (PhD)

Sydney, Fremantle, Broome
Here at The University of Notre Dame Australia, we are proud to offer the opportunity to work on a PhD to students who have achieved outstanding results in their Honours or Masters.
Entry Requirements

Applicants must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Completion of a research Master's degree, appropriate to the professional field of the applicant (or equivalent) at a high level of achievement; or
  • A Bachelor's degree with Honours (Class 1 or Class 2A Honours level or equivalent); or
  • In exceptional circumstances, an equivalent academic or professional background that is considered by the Dean of the School and the PVC-R to be an appropriate preparation for independent study and research at a doctoral level.

An applicant may be required to demonstrate an ability to understand and communicate in both written and spoken English at a level adequate for the purpose of pursuing the program of study or as deemed appropriate by the Dean of the School.

3 years full-time
Study Mode
In person

Doctorate (PhD)

The Doctor of Physiotherapy is an Extended Masters degree that offers a fast-track pathway to becoming a physiotherapist. A series of coursework units will provide you with foundational knowledge in the broad range of specialist and practical areas that encompass the physiotherapy profession.
3 years full-time
Study Mode
In person
Graduate Satisfaction

Doctorate (PhD)

Are you interested in a research-based degree in the field of Physiotherapy? The University of Notre Dame Australia is dedicated to building a solid and innovative research culture.
Entry Requirements

The following criteria apply to students seeking admission to the Professional Doctorate program:

  • The Pro Vice Chancellor-Research, on the advice of the Dean of the School, determines admission to the Doctor of Physiotherapy Research Award.
  • Applicants to the doctoral program are expected to satisfy the following criteria:
    • Possession of a research Masters degree by thesis or dissertation appropriate to the professional field of the applicant; or
    • Possession of a Masters degree by coursework appropriate to the professional field of the applicant completed at a superior standard; or
    • Possession of a Bachelor's degree with Honours (typically 1st Class or Class 2A Honours level or equivalent); or
    • Possession of a Master of Philosophy; or
    • In exceptional circumstances, an equivalent academic or professional background that is considered by the Dean of the School to be an appropriate preparation for independent study and research work at Doctoral level.
  • In addition to the academic criteria listed above, applicants are normally expected to satisfy the
    • have a minimum of 3 years of relevant professional practice;
    • have the support of an industry or professional mentor.

You may be required to demonstrate an ability to understand and communicate in both written and spoken English at a level adequate for the purpose of pursuing the program of study.

3 years full-time
Study Mode
In person