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Doctor of Biomedical Engineering in Sydney

Find the best Doctor of Biomedical Engineering in Sydney

Doctorate (PhD)

The Doctor of Medical Science at The University of Notre Dame Australia is awarded based on a body of work completed over your career.
Entry Requirements

The Pro Vice Chancellor-Research, on the advice of the Dean of the School, determines admission to the Doctor of Medical Science Award.

Applicants to the Doctor of Medical Science Award are expected to satisfy the following criteria:

  • Possession of the degree of Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from the University of Notre Dame Australia; or
  • an equivalent degree qualifying them as a medical practitioner.

In addition to the academic criteria listed above, applicants are normally expected to satisfy the following:

  • have been a graduate of the University of Notre Dame Australia (or an equivalent institution) of at least five years standing before the degree of Doctor of Medical Science can be awarded;
  • to have published a body of work that:
    1. represents a significant advance in knowledge in the given field; or
    2. has given rise to significant debate amongst recognised scholars in the given field; or
    3. has directly changed the direction of research or practice in a newer generation of scholars in the given field.

You may be required to demonstrate an ability to understand and communicate in both written and spoken English at a level adequate for the purpose of pursuing the program of study.

0.5 year full-time
Study Mode
In person