Graduate Diploma
The Graduate Diploma of Health Service Management is an advanced course of study designed to provide management professionals from both the public and private health sectors with training focussed on issues of contemporary professional management practice. Some of Australia's leading senior health service executives teach into the units. You are therefore exposed to a level of unparalleled experience and real-world case-studies.
This course is full fee-paying, which means that you will be charged at the full fee-paying rate listed for each unit.
All units are delivered primarily off campus (by distance), with non-mandatory, supporting intensive seminars in Sydney.
For more information about the Australian Institute of Health Service Management (AIHSM) including our people and our industry partners please visit our webpages at:
a) Australian Bachelor Degree, Graduate Certificate or equivalent level standard in any other institution in an unrelated discipline and a minimum of one year relevant work experience in the health sector;
b) A minimum of five years approved relevant work experience in the health sector or other special circumstances (e.g. post-secondary qualifications) as approved by the Dean or delegated authority.
This course articulates with full credit to the Master of Health Service Management and Master of Health Information Management.