Updating Results

University of Sydney (USYD)

  • 36% international / 64% domestic

Carlyle Greenwell Completion Scholarship

Key details

Stipend rate at the RTP stipend rate + $6000 per year (pro-rata)
Length of Support
6 months

About this scholarship

How to apply

Apply here.


This scholarship provides a stipend equivalent to the minimum Research Training Program (RTP) stipend rate plus and additional $6000 per year (pro-rata) for six months, subject to satisfactory academic performance.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be enrolled in a full-time master of philosophy or PhD in the Department of Anthropology
  • be undertaking research in the field of anthropology
  • expect to complete your degree within the next six months
  • not have used more than the maximum candidature for your degree per the University of Sydney (Higher Degree by Research) Rule 2011 Policy
  • not hold another primary stipend scholarship for the intended duration of this scholarship.


This scholarship was founded from a bequest from the Carlyle Greenwell Research Fund.



Eligible Degrees
  • Doctorate (PhD)
  • Masters (Research)
Eligible Study Fields
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences