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The University of Notre Dame Australia

  • 2% international / 98% domestic

Master of Arts (Theology)

  • Masters (Coursework)

Our Master of Arts (Theology) degree has been designed with subject alternatives to serve a wide range of professional needs and interests. This program has a particular appeal to teachers of religious education, and it will also resonate with students from other academic backgrounds.

Key details

Degree Type
Masters (Coursework)
2 years full-time
Course Code
5138, 085833M
Study Mode
In person

About this course

School of Philosophy & Theology, Sydney Campus

Our Master of Arts (Theology) degree has been designed with subject alternatives to serve a wide range of professional needs and interests. This program has a particular appeal to teachers of religious education, and it will also resonate with students from other academic backgrounds. Completed in two years of full-time study (or the equivalent part-time), this program asks and offers answers to some of the big questions facing any Christian, such as the nature of God, the origins of human life and the nature of personal identity. Students become informed about the development of Catholic theology, in relation to philosophy, to history, and to the everyday lives of people of faith throughout the world.

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Entry requirements

The program is open to applicants who have a recognised Bachelor's degree (Level 7 AQF) in any discipline.

Study locations


What you will learn

Theology has always held a central place in the life and mission of the Church, by nurturing
communities of believers as they come to understand their faith and explain it to others. As
such, the Master of Arts (Theology) is a unique opportunity for students from a variety of
backgrounds to learn the fundamentals of theology.

From a personal point of view, theology may be seen as faith's search for understanding; for
an understanding of who God is, of who we are, and what we and our world can become in
and through a relationship with God. The study of theology explores issues such as the
nature of God, His revelation in Jesus Christ, the nature of personal identity and of humanity,
human origins and destiny, Christian community and God's presence with us now in the Holy
Spirit. Catholic theology develops a rich understanding of how humans respond to Scripture
and Tradition.

The Master of Arts (Theology) can be completed in two years of full-time study or the
equivalent as a part-time student. Assessment is by tutorial presentation, discussions,
seminars and a research project. This program will be of particular interest to those already
teaching religious education in NSW schools, but will also appeal to students from a wide
range of backgrounds.

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Course structure

Year One
  • 8 Theology Electives
Year Two
  • Supervised Research Project
  • Five Theology Electives
Theology Electives may include:
  • Scripture and Church
  • Liturgy: Work of God and Work of God's People
  • Eucharist
  • Spirituality and the Challenges of Reconciliation
  • Theology of Leadership
  • Psalms and Wisdom
  • The Prophets: Critics of the Status Quo
  • The Johannine Literature
  • Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles
  • Scripture and Morality
  • Pentateuch
  • Modern Church History
  • Fundamental Theology
  • Introduction to the New Testament
  • The Patristic Tradition
  • The Theology and Practice of the New Evangelisation
  • Trinity
  • Christology
  • Mystery of Christ: Church and Sacraments
  • Marriage and OrdersEschatology: The Living Hope of Christians
  • Sacraments in Catholic Tradition
  • Marriage and Sexuality
  • Bioethics
  • Foundations of Moral Theology
  • Personal Growth and Integration
  • Special Topics in Theology
  • Human Affectivity in Theology and Christian Living
  • Pastoral Theology Foundations
  • Theology of Today for Adults of Tomorrow
  • Directed Individual Study

Full details of the program requirements are contained in the Program Regulations.

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Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Humanities, Culture & Social Sciences courses at The University of Notre Dame Australia.
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time