Established in 1903 under the will of Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes is the oldest and perhaps the most prestigious international graduate Scholarship program in the world.
Postgraduate awards supporting outstanding all-round students at the University of Oxford, and providing transformative opportunities for exceptional individuals.
Rhodes's vision in founding the Scholarship was to develop outstanding leaders who would be motivated to fight 'the world's fight', to 'esteem the performance of public duties as their highest aim', and to promote international understanding and peace.
Current Situation
- Each year, there are nine Scholarships available in Australia to enable outstanding students.
- Value: University and College fees, a personal stipend.
- Private health insurance (BUPA).
- One economy class airfare to Oxford at the start of the scholarship and one economy flight back to the students home country at the conclusion of the scholarship.
- Scholars can now be married and Rhodes House, Oxford, warmly welcomes the partners of Rhodes Scholars, who are invited to Rhodes events.
Oxford University Life
- Rhodes Scholars join just over 20,000 students from more than 140 countries currently studying at the University
- World class academics (PG supervision, UG tutorials).
- Stunning environment, intellectually, culturally, architecturally, socially and, occasionally, climatically.
- Wonderful range of cultural and sports activities.
- Must be an Australian Citizen (resident in Australia for at least five of the last ten years)
- Must have completed (or due to complete by December 2017) either at least four years of undergraduate study or an equivalent combination of undergraduate and postgraduate study.
- Must be no older than 26 at commencement of studies at University of Oxford.
- Have not applied for a Rhodes Scholarship two or more times before.
Selection Criteria
- Literary and scholastic attainments;
- Energy to use one's talents to the full;
- Truth, courage, devotion to duty, sympathy for and protection of the weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship; and
- Moral force of character and instincts to lead, and to take an interest in one's fellow beings.
Further Information
Step 1: Review the Rhodes website (https://www.rhodeshouse.ox.ac.uk/scholarship/how-to-apply-for-a-rhodes-scholarship/?selectedRegion=c673b981-7eec-471b-bc7a-7eb72b798029).
Step 2: Create an account (https://rhodes.embark.com/apply/2018) to open an application form online.
Step 3: Discuss your potential application with one of UNSW's Rhodes Scholars. Contact is made via Filiz Block, Manager, UNSW Scholarships (f.block@unsw.edu.au).
Step 4: Call the Honorary Secretary to the NSW Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, Prof. Tyrone Carlin, to discuss your application. Administrator Contact: Sylvia Tropiano, Tel: (02) 9036 6377, Email: registrar.office@sydney.edu.au.
Step 5: Submit your application no later than 14 September 2017 11:59pm AEST.