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The University of Notre Dame Australia

  • 2% international / 98% domestic

Master of Theological Studies

  • Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is a unique opportunity to study Theology both at a Catholic University and at an Ecclesiastical Faculty.

Key details

Degree Type
Masters (Coursework)
2 years full-time
Course Code
Study Mode
Online, In person

About this course

School of Philosophy & Theology

The Master of Theological Studies (MTS) is a unique opportunity to study Theology both at a Catholic University and at an Ecclesiastical Faculty. Students will learn the foundations of Theology and practice the skills of critical analysis and faith-led exploration, by studying courses in philosophy, Sacred Scripture, Catholic Theology, and associated disciplines. Graduates will be able to communicate the Catholic faith and its foundations in a variety of contexts.

Entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree in any discipline.

Study locations




What you will learn

When you study this program, you will have the opportunity to learn from a rich array of courses in the various areas of theology, and of the disciplines that inform theology. You can take courses in Scripture, Church teaching, Philosophy, Sacraments, and a range of other areas. Additionally, you will tailor your own learning by writing a research task. Meeting other students who are passionate about theology will open you to a range of views, and will prepare you for many areas of Church and public life.

Course structure

Students enrolled in the Master of Theological Studies are required to complete one (1) Core Curriculum course in ethics or theology at the 6000 level.

Additionally, students enrolled in the Master of Theological Studies may undertake a designated research component for 50 units of credit if they are averaging a Credit grade in their coursework. In addition to the designated research component, such students are required to complete an additional twelve (12) elective courses (300 units of credit) chosen from the lists of courses in Appendix B for a total of 400 units of credit. The research is usually completed in the final semester of the program. Students enrolled in the Master of Theological Studies who are not completing a designated research component are to complete an additional fourteen (14) elective courses (350 units of credit) from Appendix B for a total of 400 units of credit.

Theology Electives (to be chosen from)

  • Bioethics
  • Directed Individual Study
  • Discord and Dialogue: The History of The Ecumenical Movement
  • Eschatology: The Living Hope of Christians
  • Eucharist I
  • Foundations of Moral Theology
  • Friendship: The History and Experience of Christian Friendship
  • Fundamental Theology
  • Gospel of Luke and Acts of the Apostles
  • Human Affectivity in Theology and Christian Living
  • Introduction to the New Testament
  • Liturgy: Work of God and Work of God's People
  • Marriage and Orders
  • Marriage and Sexuality
  • Ministry of Social Justice
  • Modern Church History
  • Mystery of Christ: Church and Sacrament
  • Pastoral Theology Foundations I
  • Pastoral Theology Foundations II
  • Pentateuch
  • Personal Growth and Integration
  • Psalms and Wisdom
  • Sacraments in Catholic Tradition
  • Scripture and Church
  • Scripture and Morality
  • Special Topics in Theology
  • Spirituality and the Challenges of Reconciliation
  • The Johannine Literature
  • The Patristic Tradition
  • The Prophets: Critics of the Status Quo
  • The Theology and Practice of the New Evangelisation
  • Theology of Leadership
  • Theology of Today for Adults of Tomorrow
  • Trinity

Note: Electives selected must cover the five discipline areas of Scripture, Church History, Systematic Theology, Moral Theology and Pastoral Theology.

Full details of the program requirements are contained in the Program Requirements.

More information regarding courses can be found at the course descriptions page.

Please note: the availability of these courses is indicative only and may be subject to change.

Graduate outcomes

Graduate satisfaction and employment outcomes for Humanities, Culture & Social Sciences courses at The University of Notre Dame Australia.
Overall satisfaction
Skill scale
Teaching scale
Employed full-time