Updating Results

The University of Notre Dame Australia

  • 2% international / 98% domestic

Master of Professional Psychology

  • Masters (Coursework)

The Master of Professional Psychology (MPP) at The University of Notre Dame Australia is a one-year full time program that offers psychology graduates a 5th year of study as an essential step towards accreditation as a general psychologist.

Key details

Degree Type
Masters (Coursework)
1 year full-time
Course Code
5166, 117079E
Study Mode
In person

About this course

School of Arts & Sciences

The Master of Professional Psychology (MPP) at The University of Notre Dame Australia is a one-year full time program that offers psychology graduates a 5th year of study as an essential step towards accreditation as a general psychologist. This program is an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited Level 3 program of study. The program focuses on the integration of theory and professional practice and allows students to develop the advanced knowledge, skills, capabilities and attributes required for the safe and ethical practice of psychology.

Entry requirements

To be eligible for admission to The University of Notre Dame Australia, all applicants must meet the University's minimum requirements for admission. The requirements for admission are detailed in the University's Policy: Admissions.

Specific Program Requirements for Admission

To be eligible for admission to the program, an applicant must meet the following requirements:

  1. Completion of an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) accredited 4-year sequence of study in Psychology within the last 10 years, with a minimum of Second-Class Honours Division B or equivalent;
  2. 2. Be eligible for provisional registration as a psychologist (NB students must obtain and provide evidence of provisional registration from the Psychology Board of Australia before commencing the program and maintain it over the course of their program);
  3. 3. Demonstrate suitability to undertake the course as evidence by satisfactory:
    1. Referee reports (1 x academic and 1 x professional) via HODSPA; and
    2. CV and personal statement; and
    3. For short-listed candidates, interview with the selection committee.

Please note that the application process is competitive, and the university can only accept a limited number of students into the program due to supervision requirements. This means that not all applicants who meet the minimum eligibility requirements will necessarily be interviewed. Short listing will take into consideration academic achievement and professional suitability.

Students who have obtained their qualifications outside Australia must have their qualifications assessed prior to applying for this program and prior to applying for registration with the psychology board of Australia. The Australian psychological society (APS) provides this assessment service for the board and the assessment assists the board in determining if the student's qualifications are equivalent to an 'approved qualification.' However, the final decision on equivalence rests with the board.

If you obtained your qualifications outside Australia, please submit evidence of your APS equivalency with your application.

We welcome and encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants to apply.

Applicants who have successfully completed subjects at another University, which are relevant to the selected program of study, may be eligible for Advanced Standing.

Key dates for entry

DateEntry event
31 October 2024Applications close
25 - 29 November 2024Interview first week
2 - 6 December 2024Interview second week

Study locations



What you will learn

Through a combination of coursework, research and supervised placements, this program will enable you to develop advanced knowledge and skills in psychological assessment, intervention, research and practice. With an emphasis on the integration of science practice with critical thinking, ethics and the consideration of cultural diversity, this program prepares you for professional practice in psychology based on quality client care and psychological services focused on the whole human person.

Course structure

First semester of study

  • PSYC5002 Ethics, Practice and Counselling Skills
  • PSYC5007 Psychological Assessment
  • PSYC5008 Psychological Interventions
  • PSYC5004 Professional Psychology Placement A

Second semester of study

  • PSYC5005 Professional Psychology Placement B
  • PSYC5006 Professional Psychology Research Project (project)
  • Elective options (select 2)*:
    • PSYC5001 Educational and Developmental Psychology
    • PSYC5000 Clinical Psychology
    • PSYC5003 Organisational Psychology
    • PHIL6210 Philosophy and the human person**

    * University of Notre Dame students, who has previously completed the University Core Curriculum in undergrad and/or Honours, can choose two electives

    ** Students entering the program from other universities will need to complete PHIL6210 as the University of Notre Dame core and choose one elective

Full details of the program requirements are contained in the in Program Requirements.

More information regarding courses can be found at the course descriptions pages Fremantle Sydney.

Please note: the availability of these courses is indicative only and may be subject to change.