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La Trobe University

  • 24% international / 76% domestic

Master of Laws (Research)

  • Masters (Research)

This degree enables you to complete independent research under academic supervision and submit a thesis of up to 50,000 words on a topic relating to one of the Law School's areas of research expertise, including Asian law, commercial law and policy, conflict resolution, corporations law and...

Key details

Degree Type
Masters (Research)
2 years full-time
Study Mode
In person

About this course

This degree enables you to complete independent research under academic supervision and submit a thesis of up to 50,000 words on a topic relating to one of the Law School's areas of research expertise, including Asian law, commercial law and policy, conflict resolution, corporations law and corporate governance, criminal law and justice, family society and law, international and comparative law, global business law, labour law, lawyers and pathways to justice, legal ethics and securities regulation.

The qualification awarded on graduation is recognised in the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) as Level 9 - Masters Degree by Research.

See La Trobe University Handbook for more details

The Handbook contains detailed course information designed for enrolled students, including course structures, electives and options. The delivery of this course can vary between campuses.

  • Melbourne (Bundoora)

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Career pathways

This degree will open up a range of career pathways for you, including academic research, higher education, the legal profession, law reform, politics, business and commerce, government service, and public administration. It can also serve as a pathway into a PhD.