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Federation University Australia

  • 38% international / 62% domestic

Bachelor of Engineering Electrical and Information Engineering Honours

  • Bachelor (Honours)

The Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Information Engineering) (Honours) will equip you with the technical, problem solving and communication skills required to meet the high demand for graduates in electrical and information engineering.

Key details

Degree Type
Bachelor (Honours)
4 years full-time
Study Mode
In person

About this course

The Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Information Engineering) (Honours) will equip you with the technical, problem solving and communication skills required to meet the high demand for graduates in electrical and information engineering.

You will explore key areas of electrical, electronic and computer domains such as electrical circuits, energy conversion, signals and systems, in addition to programming, data science and artificial intelligence. This degree has been developed in collaboration with local engineering industry leaders, to ensure you're gaining the skills needed to thrive in current and future industries. With exciting projects starting up all over the region, there's no better time to take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

The four-year course is accredited by Engineers Australia - the global home for engineering professionals renowned as leaders in shaping a sustainable world. As an accredited graduate you can pursue a career in the fields of electrical engineering, renewable energy, power systems engineering and electronic systems. Further study options are also available through our Master of Engineering program.

Australian Carbon Innovations Scholarship valued at $7,000. Australian Carbon Innovations (ACI) and Federation University are excited to offer eight industry scholarships to students studying engineering in Gippsland. The $7,000 ACI scholarships will assist students financially while also providing essential on-the-job skills for current and future jobs in the engineering sector. Apply for the ACI scholarship today or visit the Australian Carbon Innovations website to learn more.

In 2024, we're launching new Dual Electrical Qualifications in partnership with the Victorian Government, Ai Group Centre for Education & Training, and NECA Education & Careers.
This unique opportunity enables you to get paid and gain workplace experience through an apprenticeship with an employer while completing a Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician and a Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Information Engineering) (Honours).
To find out more and express your interest, visit https://federation.edu.au/future-students/study-at-federation/which-course/dual-electrical-qualification

The Federation University Co-operative Model will accelerate your career by putting you at the heart of education and industry.
Federation Co-op creates a direct connection between students and employers, via paid placements, career preparation and workplace skill development, supported by a leader in student support, skills development and social equity. Our industry stakeholders are excited about Federation Co-op as it addresses skill shortages by inviting them to collaborate on our courses, to identify the real skills that our students need to succeed in their chosen industry.

Co-op means you can succeed wherever you start on your study journey.
Federation has the know-how to deliver Co-op through our award-winning relationships with industry, including our 25+ year partnership with IBM, and our extensive research into the co-op model's success in the USA, Canada and Europe for generations of students.

  • Work and world ready graduates. We prepare our students through mandatory career development units, so you will be ready to enter the workforce during your co-operative placements, and through transferable World Ready Skills, so you are workforce ready when you graduate, regardless of your background before going to uni.
  • Real experience in your chosen profession. Every Co-op student completes a minimum of 60 days' paid placement relevant to their course - contributing directly to cour
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Study locations

Gippsland - Churchill


Ballarat - Mt Helen

Career pathways

  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronic engineer
  • Engineering professional
  • Industrial engineer
  • Production engineer
  • Plant engineer

Credit for prior study or work

Can your studies count towards a degree with us? Use our online Credit Search to get the details on completing your studies sooner.