The scholarships listed here are offered to Curtin students by external organisations and individuals (Scholarship Providers) that are not affiliated with Curtin University. Curtin University cannot vouch for the accuracy of the information provided by these scholarship providers. All enquiries should be directed to the relevant scholarship provider.
Curtin University does not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy, adequacy, reliability or completeness of the information and data contents made available by the Scholarship Providers or their published Scholarship Information (External Scholarship Publications). Any material or data obtained through use of the External Scholarship Publication is your ("the User's") sole responsibility and at your sole risk. You ("the User") will be solely responsible for any resulting loss or damage that you may incur or sustain from the use or reliance the Scholarship External Scholarship Publications. Any User arrangements for Scholarships are solely between the User and the Scholarship Provider.
About this scholarship
We are a club firmly implanted in the 21st Century, understanding the time and financial constraints of modern living, and creating an environment of leadership and community in which everyone can contribute.
Status: Open
Applications accepted at any time
Student type
Course type
Non-gender specific
Scholarship base
A full scholarship includes for each and every awardee:
Eligible courses
The scholarships are available to individuals with current or anticipated earnings under $60,000 (during the scholarship year), in one of the following areas.
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