This is a specialised foundation-level course aimed at graduates seeking taxation qualifications or wanting to continue their professional development.
The course can also benefit corporate accountants, financial planners and advisors, and members of the legal profession seeking a specialist taxation qualification.
You'll explore the complexity of Australian taxation including the Income Tax Assessment Act and Regulations, Goods and Services Tax, Fringe Benefits Tax and the Tax Administration Act. You will learn how these Acts and regulations apply to the taxation regime in Australia.
You'll attend guest lectures and events with leading tax professionals and tax organisations such as the Australian Taxation Office, Inspector General of Taxation and Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
You'll also have the opportunity to work with experts and the community at the Curtin Tax Clinic and gain highly valuable practical work experience.
This is the first stage of Curtin's modular taxation course. Completing Curtin's Graduate Certificate in Taxation Practice makes you eligible for 100 credits towards the Master of Taxation.
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