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Caitlin Sears

“I knew I really cared about climate change but I didn’t know which aspect I wanted to focus on”.

Turning a passion into a career

The Master of Climate Change conveners really go above and beyond – not just by helping with coursework, but also by helping you develop your career. Caitlin Sears was working as an exploration geologist with a multinational resources company, but her heart wasn’t in it. She decided that she wanted to make a more positive contribution to the world. 

“I knew I really cared about climate change but I didn’t know which aspect I wanted to focus on”, she said.  “I looked for a Master’s program that would be comprehensive and holistic, and came across the Master of Climate Change at ANU.”

She chose the Master of Climate Change at ANU Crawford School of Public Policy because it touches on all aspects of climate change, but gives students the chance to focus on their areas of interest.

“It’s the best climate Master’s program in the world. What I really like is that there are a few core courses and then you can choose to specialise via a huge range of electives from throughout ANU.  No two students have the same learning experience."

Caitlin is two years into her Master’s and has recently started work with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as a Knowledge Sharing Researcher. 

“I’d never thought ARENA would be an option because of my lack of government experience, but two and a half months in, I’m loving the job.  It fits perfectly with what I’m interested in.”

Caitlin also says she’s received ‘phenomenal’ support from the course convenors, Professor Frank Jotzo from the Crawford School of Public Policy and Prof Jamie Pittock from the Fenner School of Environment and Society.

“The Master of Climate Change conveners really go above and beyond – not just by helping with coursework, but also by helping you develop your career.  I definitely made the right choice in deciding to do this Masters. I’d highly recommend it.”


The Master of Climate Change is jointly facilitated by Crawford School of Public Policy and the Fenner School of Environment & Society and. Learn more about the degree at crawford.anu.edu.au/study

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