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What will I learn in a Master of Accounting degree?

Mike Dilnot

Mike Dilnot

Careers Commentator
The Master of Accounting (MAcc) programs allows graduates from other disciplines to acquire a professional accounting qualification.
Glasses resting on a book.

Students who have graduated in fields other than accountancy, but now wish to pursue a professional career in accountancy can complete a postgraduate Master of Accounting. The program encompasses both introductory and advanced aspects of professional accountancy, with modules of study including economics, audit, security appraisal and tax law. The academic aspect of the program is balanced, with plenty of hands-on experience designed to develop student’s leadership and decision making skills. The course should prepare candidates to advise clients or steer companies confidently through a range of financial and business issues.

Upon graduation, it is advisable for candidates to become affiliated with a professional body, such as CPA Australia or the Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CAANZ). These organisations also offer accreditation to some of the nation’s leading Master of Accounting programs, along with the Chartered Institute of Management Accounting (CIMA) and the Institute of Public Accountants (IPA).

While the CEO is launching new products and services to drive business growth, it is the humble accountant within the organisation who is working hard to keep the books in order! Practically every organisation that handles money will require an accountancy specialist at some point, meaning demand for high-quality graduates in this field is almost limitless. Some choose to pursue careers as private or chartered accountants, while others join large corporations in roles such as management accountant, all the way up to chief financial officer and beyond. The public sector and not-for-profit organisations also rely heavily on their accounting teams to ensure that business is conducted legally and ethically. And with the median salary for a MAcc graduate standing at almost $75,000 in a management accounting role, those late nights crunching the numbers suddenly don’t seem so bad!