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Unlock your future with FREE TAFE at Melbourne Polytechnic

Melbourne Polytechnic

Unlock Your Future with Free TAFE at Melbourne Polytechnic


Why Free TAFE Matters?

Free TAFE is more than just a financial incentive; it's a strategic move to address skill shortages in crucial industries. By making vocational education more accessible, we're helping to strengthen Victoria's workforce and support our state's economy. This is particularly significant in a time when certain sectors are experiencing a real need for skilled professionals.

Over 80 Qualifications and Short Courses

One of the most exciting aspects of Free TAFE at Melbourne Polytechnic is the variety of courses on offer. With more than 80 qualifications and short courses now accessible without tuition fees, there's a world of possibilities waiting for you. And the best part? This applies even if you already have a VET qualification or a degree.

Who's Eligible?

If you're in Victoria and meet the eligibility criteria, the Australian and Victorian governments will cover your tuition fees under the Free TAFE program. While some courses may have additional fees for materials and amenities, the major cost barrier – tuition – is taken care of. Plus, recent eligibility expansions mean more Victorians than ever can benefit. For instance, if you've completed a Bachelor of Arts but are looking to switch careers, you could now study a Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance or a Diploma of Community Services as your first Free TAFE course – all tuition-free.

Breaking Down Barriers

By covering tuition fees, Free TAFE is breaking down financial barriers. This is particularly impactful for individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds, potentially leading to a more diverse and inclusive workforce. It's about giving everyone a fair chance to pursue their dreams and ambitions.

Quality Education Guaranteed

While the program covers fees, we maintain a dedicated commitment to quality education. TAFE institutes, including Melbourne Polytechnic, are held to strict educational standards. This ensures that our graduates are not just qualified, but truly skilled and ready to make a difference in their chosen fields.

Economic and Community Impact

The benefits of Free TAFE extend beyond individual students. By filling skill gaps, stimulating job growth, and fostering community development, educated and skilled workers contribute significantly to the productivity and innovation of our economy.

Pathways to Further Learning

The Victorian Government recently implemented Free TAFE pathways, enabling continuous learning opportunities. When you complete a course in a Free TAFE pathway, you can access Free TAFE for all subsequent courses in the same pathway – an excellent way to advance your skills and knowledge.

Keeping Pace with Industry Needs

The list of Free TAFE courses isn't static. It's reviewed periodically by the government, ensuring the program remains effective and responsive to the evolving needs of the industry and labour market.

Your Journey Starts Here

At Melbourne Polytechnic, we're proud to be a part of this transformative initiative. Free TAFE is more than just a program; it's a doorway to new beginnings, diverse career paths, and a stronger community. Start your journey with us today and be a part of the change that's reshaping Victoria's future.

Check out FREE TAFE courses at Melbourne Polytechnic here.

For further information on finding work or to book a free consult with our Skills and Jobs Centre, book an appointment here or sign up for our upcoming workshops by booking here.