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How to get an Internship in Australia: Comprehensive Guide

Amina Ibrahim

With this guide on how to get an internship in Australia, find valuable tips and discover the best resources to land your dream opportunity.

How to get an internship in Australia is one question that echoes through the hallways of universities and college campuses across the country. The high competition level and the complex application process add to the anticipation and anxiety surrounding this question.

If this sounds familiar and you don’t know where to begin, your search has landed you on the right page. This guide will provide you with a simple 10-step process to help you find the perfect internship. We will also cover the qualifications you need and discuss the requirements for international students to secure an internship in Australia.

How to get an internship in Australia: A 10-step process

How To Get Internship In Australia - What Is An Internship

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Securing an internship in Australia offers valuable industry experience and cultural immersion but finding one can be difficult. This 10-step guide provides a strategic framework to help you find the internship with clarity and focus.

Step 1: Identify your field of interest

The first crucial step in securing an Australian internship is to pinpoint your field of interest. Evaluate your skills, strengths, and passions. Consider what areas align with your academic background or career goals. Whether it is in finance, marketing, engineering, or any other field, clarity on your preferences will help streamline your internship search.

Research the industries thriving in Australia and identify the specific sectors that match your career aspirations. This is important because it lays the foundation for the other stages of the internship process. 

Once you identify your field of interest, you can tailor your internship search to target organisations and opportunities relevant to your chosen industry.

Step 2: Choose the timing & location

After narrowing down your field of interest, the next step is to decide when and where you want to undertake your Australian internship. Consider the timing that aligns with your academic calendar or career plans. Also, think about the location within Australia that best suits your preferences or requirements.

Australia offers diverse internship opportunities across cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth. Each city has its unique industry strengths so your decision should be influenced by the sectors predominant in the region. This helps you refine your internship search and focus on programs that match your desired timeframe and location.

Step 3: Create a polished resume & cover letter

How To Get Internship In Australia - How To Write A Cover Letter

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Your resume should showcase your academic achievements, relevant skills, and any previous work experience. Customise it to highlight how your qualifications align with the requirements of the internship program you are interested in.

Similarly, a well-written cover letter is your opportunity to express your motivation, goals, and why you are a suitable candidate for the Australian internship. Personalise it for each application to address the specific skills and attributes the organisation is looking for.

Remember to proofread both your resume and cover letter thoroughly, checking for grammatical errors and ensuring clarity. Make sure that both your resume and cover letter adhere to Australian standards and norms. Familiarise yourself with the local expectations and formatting preferences to make a positive impression on potential employers.

Step 4: Search for internship opportunities online

Websites like Prosple offer a comprehensive database of internship programs. Start by creating profiles and uploading your resume. Use search filters to narrow down your options based on your field of interest, location preferences, and the timing of the internship. 

Regularly check the website for updated internship positions as new opportunities are frequently posted. When searching online, pay attention to the details of each internship position. Read the job descriptions, requirements, and application procedures thoroughly. 

Take note of the deadlines and application processes and make sure that you adhere to them. Customise your application materials for each specific internship to demonstrate your suitability for the role.

Step 5: Use university career services

Universities provide valuable career advice and resources and making the most of your university's career services can increase your chances of securing an internship in Australia. Schedule appointments with career advisors to discuss your goals and receive personalised advice on potential internship opportunities. 

They can guide you on refining your resume, improving your cover letter, and preparing for interviews. Additionally, universities frequently host career fairs and networking events where you can connect with potential employers and get insights into available internship programs.

Check your university's online job portal for internship listings and regularly visit the career services website for updates. Many universities establish partnerships with companies to provide exclusive access to internship positions for their students. Leverage these resources to enhance your chances of finding relevant Australian internships.

Step 6: Network through professional platforms

03 How To Get Internship In Australia - Benefits Of Networking

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Use professional platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your industry. Join industry-specific groups and participate in discussions to showcase your knowledge and enthusiasm. Many companies and recruiters actively use LinkedIn to post internship opportunities and scout for potential candidates.

Engage in conversations with alumni, professionals, and recruiters. Personal connections can open doors and provide valuable recommendations which makes networking an essential part of the internship search process.

Regularly update your LinkedIn profile to reflect your skills, experiences, and career aspirations. Actively seek out and connect with professionals working in your desired field. When expressing interest in internship positions, be genuine and professional in your communications.

Step 7: Attend career fairs and industry events

Prioritise attending career fairs that your university hosts or those specifically focused on internships. Companies participate in these events to scout for talented individuals looking to start their careers through internship experiences. Bring multiple copies of your resume, dress professionally, and approach company booths with confidence.

Engage in conversations with representatives from various companies to understand their internship programs, company culture, and potential opportunities for interns. Collect business cards and contact information for future follow-ups. 

Making a positive impression at career fairs can set you apart from other candidates and increase your chances of getting remembered when internship positions become available.

Step 8: Customise applications for each position

Tailoring your applications for each internship position is a crucial step in the job search process. Most internships have specific requirements and expectations and a generic application will not effectively showcase your suitability for a particular role. Carefully read the job descriptions, responsibilities, and qualifications for each internship you apply to. 

Highlight the skills and experiences from your academic and professional background that directly align with the requirements outlined in the job posting. Customise your resume and cover letter to emphasise how your unique strengths make you an ideal candidate for the internship experience.

Avoid using a generic approach as recruiters can spot generic applications. Showcase your genuine interest in the specific company and role by addressing the company's values, mission, and any recent achievements in your cover letter.

Step 9: Prepare for interviews

Research common interview questions and practice your responses. Be ready to discuss your academic background, relevant experiences, and why you are interested in the specific internship position. Familiarise yourself with the company's values, culture, and recent projects to showcase your genuine interest and enthusiasm.

Consider conducting mock interviews with friends, career advisors, or through online platforms to refine your communication skills and build confidence. Dress professionally for virtual or in-person interviews and make sure to articulate your thoughts clearly and concisely.

Step 10: Follow up with employers after applying

Send a polite and concise email to the hiring manager or recruiter thanking them for the opportunity to apply and reiterating your enthusiasm for the internship experience. Inquire about the timeline for the decision-making process and ask if there are any additional steps required from your end. 

This follow-up demonstrates your proactive approach and genuine interest in the position. If you haven't received a response within the specified timeframe, consider sending a polite follow-up email to inquire about the status of your application.

Can foreigners get internships in Australia?

Yes, international students can pursue internships in Australia and there are various visa options available. The specific international student visa they will need depends on factors like the type of internship, their qualifications, and the duration of their stay. Here are some common visa options for internship abroad in Australia:

I. Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417)

How To Get Internship In Australia - Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417)

This visa is available for young adults (18 to 30 years old) from eligible countries who want to holiday and work in Australia. It allows you to stay in Australia for up to 12 months and work for up to 6 months with one employer. To be eligible, you need to meet specific criteria, including having a certain level of education and proficiency in English.

II. Temporary Work Visa (Short Stay Specialist) (Subclass 400)

How To Get Internship In Australia - Temporary Work Visa (Short Stay Specialist)

This visa is suitable for individuals who want to undertake short-term, highly specialised work or participate in a professional development program, including internships. It allows you to stay in Australia for up to 6 months.

III. Temporary Activity Visa (Subclass 408)

How To Get Internship In Australia - Temporary Activity Visa (Subclass 408)

This visa is designed for people who want to participate in specific activities or events in Australia, including occupational training or professional development. It has various streams, and the relevant one for internships would likely be the "Invited Participant" or "Exchange" stream.

IV. Student Visa (Subclass 500)

How To Get Internship In Australia - Student Visa (Subclass 500)

If you are enrolled in a course in Australia and your institution allows internships as part of the program, you can take an internship while on a student visa. The internship should be a registered part of your course.

V. Occupational Trainee Visa (Subclass 407)

How To Get Internship In Australia - Occupational Trainee Visa

This visa allows you to participate in structured, supervised workplace-based training programs or academic research in Australia. Even though it is not specifically designed for internships, it can be used for internships that meet the training criteria. 

It is valid for up to 2 years but you cannot work outside the approved training program (except for limited volunteering under certain conditions).

What qualifications do you need for an internship in Australia?

The specific qualifications will depend on a few factors, including the type of internship you are interested in, the organisation offering it, and whether you are an Australian citizen or an international student. However, here's a general breakdown of the common requirements:

Essential Qualifications

  • Age: You must be at least 18 years old.
  • Student Status: In some cases, you may need to be enrolled in a course of study, either in Australia or abroad, or have graduated within the last 24 months. This requirement can vary depending on the internship and visa regulations.
  • English Proficiency: Most internships require a high level of English proficiency. This is usually demonstrated through standardised tests like IELTS or TOEFL, but some employers might accept alternative proof.
  • Valid Visa: If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you need a visa that allows you to work in Australia. The specific visa type will depend on the internship duration and your circumstances.

Desired Qualifications

  • Academic Background: Having a relevant academic background is a strong plus. This might involve a bachelor's degree, coursework in a specific area, or relevant vocational training.
  • Relevant Skills & Experience: Even if you are a student, showcasing relevant skills and experience, even through volunteer work or personal projects, can significantly boost your application.
  • Personal Qualities: Demonstrating initiative, a strong work ethic, and a positive attitude can be just as important as technical skills. Showcasing your passion for the field and genuine interest in the organisation can make you stand out.

Additional Considerations

  • Organisation: Each organisation has its preferences and requirements. Research the specific company or program you are interested in to understand their expectations.
  • Internship Type: Different types of internships may have specific requirements. For example, research internships require strong research skills and experience, while marketing internships might focus on communication and creative abilities.
  • Citizenship: Australian citizens and permanent residents generally have an easier time finding internships compared to international students because of visa restrictions. However, many opportunities exist for international students as well, especially if they are enrolled in Australian universities.

Is it easy to get an internship in Australia?

The Australian job market, internships included, can be competitive, especially in major cities like Sydney and Melbourne. This means you will likely face other qualified candidates vying for the same opportunity. 

The competition level also varies by industry. Tech, finance, and some creative fields tend to be more competitive while smaller companies or startups in niche sectors might be more open to interns.

The timing of your internship search also matters. Summer is a popular time for internships, with many students seeking work experience. This can result in more applicants for each position which can increase the competition. 

Also, summer internships are typically shorter than year-round ones, lasting 8-12 weeks. This might attract more applicants who see it as a shorter commitment. But this shorter duration can also be an advantage. Companies might be more open to taking on interns for a focused project without a long-term commitment.

So how easy is it?

It is not necessarily easy but it is achievable. Here's what can help make the process more manageable:

  • Tailor your resume and cover letter to each specific internship. Showcase your passion for the field and the company.
  • Don't wait until summer approaches. Start your research and applications well in advance, ideally 2-3 months before the internship start date.
  • Research companies and organisations aligned with your interests and skills. Focus on relevant opportunities where you can genuinely contribute.
  • Use spreadsheets, project management tools, or even just physical folders to keep track of deadlines, application requirements, and submitted applications.
  • Use your connections, reach out to alumni, attend industry events, and leverage online platforms like LinkedIn to build your network and potentially find internship leads.
  • Don't overwhelm yourself by applying to hundreds of internships. Set achievable weekly or monthly application targets based on your available time and research capacity.
  • Consider smaller companies, startups, or regional locations where competition might be less intense. Be open to different internship lengths or project focuses to expand your possibilities.

How does Prosple simplify the internship process in Australia?

How To Get Internship In Australia - Prosple Australia

Prosple is a career platform aimed at students and recent graduates. It offers a large database of graduate jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities across various industries and locations. You can post your profile, search for openings, and apply directly through the platform.

Let’s discuss the key features that will ease your internship search in Australia.

A. Easy-to-use interface

Prosple boasts a clean and intuitive design which makes it easy to navigate even for first-time users. Find what you are looking for quickly and efficiently so you can focus your energy on landing the internship.

B. Advanced matching algorithms

Prosple's intelligent algorithms consider your skills, experience, and academic background to match you with internships that genuinely fit your profile. This targeted approach saves you time and ensures you are only exploring opportunities with a high chance of success.

C. Exclusive access to internship opportunities

Prosple provides exclusive access to internships not readily available on public job boards. This valuable insider knowledge gives you a competitive edge and opens doors to exciting opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.

D. Up-to-date listings

Prosple's listings are constantly updated, ensuring you have access to the latest internship opportunities as soon as they become available. So no more missing out on your dream internship because you didn't hear about it in time. Prosple keeps you informed and in the loop.

E. Notifications & alerts

Prosple keeps you informed with timely notifications and alerts about new internship postings that match your preferences. This proactive approach ensures you stay ahead of the competition and can be among the first to apply for your dream opportunity.

F. Comprehensive Resources

Prosple offers a comprehensive library of resources designed to support you throughout your internship journey. You can get expert advice on resume writing, interview skills, and navigating the Australian internship landscape.

G. Work rights feature for international students

Prosple's new Work Rights feature makes it simple for international students seeking internships in Australia. Now you can easily check if you are eligible to apply for a job by matching it with your visa status. This ensures that you only apply for positions you are allowed to, saving you time and avoiding the frustration of ineligible applications.


Discovering the best strategies on how to get an internship in Australia is a great start. However, understand that the path might not always be easy. You might face rejections but don't let that discourage you. Instead, focus on building resilience. Every setback is a chance to learn and improve your strategy.

Prosple is your one-stop platform for landing the best internships in Australia. We offer hundreds of internship opportunities, from tech giants to government agencies, all vetted for quality and relevance. Plus, you will find insider tips from graduates, career advice, and even virtual experiences to help you stand out. 

It is free to join so sign up now to secure your dream internship.