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Cover Letter For Fresh Accounting Graduates + Templates

Team Prosple

Our expert tips and templates will help you create an accounting graduate cover letter that will highlight your skills and land interviews.

You have worked hard to earn your graduate degree and now it is time to launch your exciting career. For this, a strong accounting graduate cover letter is an absolute must-have. But they can feel intimidating, especially for fresh accounting graduates.

We put together this guide to crack the code of writing a sharp cover letter. We will discuss the major elements employers want to see and share 2 accounting graduate cover letters to help you get started. 

8 key elements employers look for in an accounting graduate cover letter

The biggest question on every accounting graduate’s mind is what exactly are employers looking for in a cover letter. Let's break it down. Here are 8 major elements to make your cover letter stand out.

1. Strong academic background in accounting

Hiring managers want to see you have a strong grasp of the accounting fundamentals. This means highlighting coursework that directly relates to real-world skills. Here's what you can showcase in your accountant cover letter:

  • Highlight advanced courses in auditing, financial reporting, financial accounting, or specific accounting software programs.
  • If you have a strong GPA, especially in accounting courses, mention it with pride. 
  • Receiving scholarships, Dean's List honors, or accounting-related awards shows initiative and achievement.

2. Relevant internship experience

Cover Letter Accounting Graduate - Internships increase employability


Internships are a great way to bridge the gap between theory and practice. It increases your employability as hiring managers prefer graduates who gained real-world experience. In your accounting cover letter, focus on these key points:

  • Highlight the organisation type you worked for. It could be a public accounting firm, a private company, or a non-profit organisation.
  • Mention specific duties you performed as an accounting intern, like accounts payable/receivable processing, general ledger maintenance, or assisting with tax preparations.
  • Focus on measurable accomplishments, like streamlining a process or improving accuracy rates. Including numbers adds weight to your experience.

3. Excellent analytical & problem-solving skills

Accounting isn't just about showing your knowledge of debits and credits. It is about seeing the bigger picture and making sense of complex information. Here's how to convince them you have strong problem-solving and analytical skills:

  • Show them you can go beyond the numbers and explain what they mean. Highlight coursework that involved financial statement analysis or interpreting accounting data.
  • Hiring managers look for keen observers. Mention projects or experiences where you spotted discrepancies or potential problems in financial records.
  • Show instances where you used your analytical skills to solve problems on accounting processes or data accuracy.

4. Proficiency in accounting software & tools

Cover Letter Accounting Graduate - Accounting software stats

The accounting world is increasingly reliant on technology. Studies suggest that 91% of accountants use accounting software to boost productivity. Being comfortable with industry-standard software shows you are adaptable and ready to take over from the word go. Here’s what to include:

  • List the accounting software programs you are familiar with, like QuickBooks, Xero, or specific industry-related programs used in your internship.
  • Mention your comfort level with learning new programs and adapting to different technologies.
  • Beyond basic data entry, some programs offer advanced functionalities. Highlight specific skills you possess, like using macros, creating reports, or data analysis tools within the software.

5. Attention to detail & accuracy

Accounting is built on precision. One small mistake can have big consequences. Hiring managers want to see you have a meticulous approach to your work. Here's how to show this in your cover letter:

  • Mention classes that emphasised accuracy, like accounting cycles or tax preparation.
  • Briefly mention your habit of double-checking your work and being meticulous.
  • Think back to your internship or any relevant work experience. Describe situations where you demonstrated a close eye for detail, like catching errors in data entry or ensuring financial reports were balanced perfectly.

6. Good communication & interpersonal skills

Relevant accounting skills are important but accounting isn't done in a vacuum. You will be working with colleagues, clients, and potentially even auditors. All this requires strong communication and interpersonal skills. Let’s see how you can convince the recruiters.

  • Mention your ability to explain complex financial information clearly and easily.
  • Highlight projects or group assignments you participated in during school or your internship.
  • Talk about experiences where you collaborated effectively with others on accounting tasks. This shows you can build rapport and collaborate successfully.

7. Ability to work well in a team

When employers scan your cover letter, they are looking for clues that you are not just a lone wolf. They want to see evidence that you can collaborate effectively with others. Here’s how you can show it:

  • Discuss how you approach disagreements and find solutions that benefit the team.
  • Highlight instances in your cover letter where you assisted classmates or teammates.
  • Show them you are comfortable dividing tasks fairly and keeping your teammates informed.

8. Knowledge of financial regulations & standards

Accounting is a heavily regulated field. Companies need to comply with specific financial reporting standards that regulatory bodies set. Hiring managers want to see you have a basic understanding of these regulations. Here's how to show it:

  • Briefly mention your interest in staying updated on relevant accounting regulations.
  • Highlight your commitment to ensuring financial statements and data comply with all applicable regulations.
  • Mention classes that cover financial reporting standards, like Australian Accounting Standards (AAS).

How to make your accounting graduate cover letter stand out to potential employers

The competition for coveted first jobs is fierce and your cover letter is your chance to break through the noise. Here's how to craft a cover letter that gets you noticed and lands you that interview.

I. Address the hiring manager by name

Cover Letter Accounting Graduate - How to address a cover letter

Generic "Dear Hiring Manager" letters are okay but a personalised greeting is much stronger. Using the name shows you put in extra effort. It creates a more professional tone and makes your application feel less like a mass mailing.

Spend a few minutes researching the company to find the hiring manager's name. Look on their website, job posting, or professional networking sites like LinkedIn. If you still can’t find it, you can always call the company and get the details.

II. Quantify your achievements with numbers

Numbers grab attention. When highlighting your achievements from internships, class projects, or volunteer work, mention them as quantifiable results. Did you improve financial reporting efficiency by a certain percentage? Streamline a specific accounting process, saving time? Mention these details.

Here are some examples:

  • "In my internship at [Company Name], I streamlined the accounts payable process by 20%."
  • "As part of a class project, I identified and corrected $15,000 in financial data discrepancies."
  • "Volunteering with a local non-profit, I helped them implement a new accounting software system. This reduced the manual data entry by 35%."

III. Target your cover letter to the specific job

Your accounting resume lists your skills but your cover letter connects them to the specific needs of the company. Read the job description carefully. Identify the key job requirements and skills they are looking for.

Throughout your cover letter, add those keywords and skills naturally. Mention software programs listed in the ad. Describe a relevant coursework project demonstrating a desired skill. This shows you did your research and understand what they need.

IV. Use professional tone & formatting

First impressions matter and your cover letter is your initial handshake. Here's how to make it professional:

  • Aim for one page. Hiring managers are busy. Get straight to the point and highlight your strengths.
  • Use a clean, easy-to-read font like Times New Roman or Arial at size 11 or 12. Single line spacing with a space between paragraphs is standard.
  • Maintain a professional tone throughout. Avoid slang or overly casual language. Be confident and enthusiastic but keep it respectful.

V. Use action verbs to describe your experiences

Your cover letter tells the story of your achievements. Use strong action verbs to bring your experiences to life.

For example:

  • Don't just say "Assisted with tax preparation," use "Analysed financial data and prepared tax returns for a client portfolio."
  • Instead of "Responsible for accounts payable," try "Managed accounts payable processes, ensuring timely and accurate payments."

Strong action verbs showcase your initiative and the impact you made. Here are action verbs you can use:

  • Analysed
  • Improved
  • Presented
  • Developed
  • Reconciled
  • Streamlined
  • Collaborated
  • Implemented

VI. Proofread carefully for any errors

Typos and grammatical errors can sink your application faster than anything. On the other hand, a polished cover letter shows you are detail-oriented and take pride in your work. Employers notice these details, and they can gauge your keenness to detail from how well-crafted your application is. Here’s how you can make sure it reflects your best self:

  • Read it yourself, out loud. This helps catch awkward phrasing and typos you might miss silently reading.
  • Ask a friend or family member to proofread. A fresh set of eyes catches errors you might gloss over.
  • Use spell-check but don't rely solely on it. Spell-check can't catch everything like misused words or missing punctuation.

VII. Briefly showcase your soft skills

Cover Letter Accounting Graduate - Soft Skills

Sure, you have the technical skills down pat. But employers also want to know if you have the soft skills to thrive in a professional environment. Think about qualities like attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and time management. Give specific examples of how you demonstrated these skills in the past.

Maybe you can mention when you successfully resolved a conflict with a team member. Or when you effectively managed multiple deadlines. These little glimpses into your soft skills can help employers see the full picture of who you are as a candidate.

VIII. End with a clear call to action

Don't leave your cover letter hanging. End it with a clear call to action. Be explicit about what you want the reader to do next. Here are some examples:

  • "Thank you for your time and consideration. I am eager to learn more about this opportunity and how I can contribute to your team's success."
  • "I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time."

A strong call to action shows your enthusiasm to the hiring manager with a clear next step – scheduling an interview with you.

2 examples of accounting graduate cover letter

Here are 2 examples of cover letters to get you going. But remember, the best cover letter is the one you personalize to the specific job you are applying for.

Accounting graduate sample cover letter 1 

Amelia Jones


123 Main Street  | Anytown, VIC 3000 | (03) 9876 5432 | amelia.edwards@email.com

Ms. Stephanie Lee                                                                                               April 29, 2024

Hiring Manager

GreenTech Solutions

456 Bourke Street

Melbourne, VIC 3000


I am writing to express my keen interest in the Junior Accountant position advertised on Prosple. As a recent graduate with a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting from Monash University, I am eager to leverage my strong academic foundation and practical experience to contribute to GreenTech Solutions' continued success.

Throughout my studies, I excelled in financial reporting, management accounting, and tax accounting. I consistently achieved high marks in these subjects, including a 3.8 GPA in accounting courses. Additionally, I was awarded the Dean's List Award, recognizing my academic excellence in accounting.

During my internship at Tech Co, I participated in various accounting functions. I meticulously processed an average of 100 invoices/week for accounts payable, ensuring timely and accurate vendor payments. 

I also reduced monthly reconciliation time by 10% through my streamlined data entry procedures. Additionally, I assisted the senior accountant with tax preparation for client projects, demonstrating my understanding of tax regulations and their application in a real-world setting.

Beyond technical proficiency, I possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills. In my "Financial Statement Analysis" course project, I analysed the financial data of a local bookstore facing financial difficulties. By identifying areas of cost inefficiency, I proposed optimising inventory management practices, which generated annual cost savings of $15,000.

Furthermore, I am proficient in industry-standard accounting software like QuickBooks Online and Xero. During my internship, I effectively utilised Xero to manage the accounts payable process, generate comprehensive financial reports used for departmental decision-making, and collaborate seamlessly with colleagues during financial data analysis tasks.

I am confident in my ability to explain complex financial information to both technical and non-technical audiences. As Treasurer for the Monash University Environmental Club, I effectively collaborated with a team of 5 student leaders to manage club finances, prepare budgets exceeding $10,000, and present financial reports to a membership base of over 100 students. 

My academic achievements, internship experience, and strong soft skills have equipped me to excel in this Junior Accountant role. I am a highly motivated individual with a genuine interest in learning and contributing to a dynamic team like yours. I am confident that I can quickly adapt to your company culture and become a valuable asset to GreenTech Solutions' accounting department.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I have attached my resume for your review and welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further in an interview.



Amelia Edwards

Accounting graduate sample cover letter 2 

Sarah David                                                                                                      

123 Main Street, 

Melbourne VIC 3000 

(03) 9876 5432

Ms. John Walker                                                                                                  April 29, 2024

Accounting Manager

Evergreen Enterprises Pty Ltd

45 Bourke Street, Sydney NSW 2000


Dear Mr. Walker,


I'm excited to apply for the Junior Accountant position at Evergreen Enterprises, as seen on Prosple. With a recent Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting from the University of Melbourne, I have a solid grasp of accounting principles and am eager to be part of your dynamic team.

During my studies, I particularly enjoyed advanced accounting subjects like Financial Accounting and Management Accounting, consistently achieving First Class Honours. I was also honored to receive the John Smith Accounting Scholarship in my final year for my academic achievements.

In my internship at GreenLeaf Accounting, I honed my accounting skills by assisting with various tasks. I was instrumental in making the accounts receivable process 15% more efficient, which improved client satisfaction and cash flow. Additionally, I meticulously prepared tax returns for a portfolio of small business clients, making sure everything was accurate and followed the regulations.

During a group project on financial statement analysis, I identified a $10,000 discrepancy in a company's financial data. By meticulously reviewing supporting documentation, I pinpointed the error and proposed a solution, demonstrating my keen eye for detail and ability to think critically.

At GreenLeaf Accounting, I readily adapted to their specific software system and even used its advanced features to automate repetitive tasks and improve overall efficiency. I have a proven ability to explain complex financial information clearly and concisely, both verbally and in writing. During my internship, I frequently collaborated with senior accountants and tax advisors, actively participating in team meetings and readily seeking clarification when needed.

I am a strong team player who thrives in collaborative environments. During a group project on financial statement analysis, I effectively communicated with my team members, dividing tasks fairly and ensuring everyone remained informed throughout the process.  

I am particularly drawn to Evergreen Enterprises due to your company's reputation for excellence and commitment to fostering a culture of continuous learning. My academic background, practical experience, and strong work ethic align perfectly with the requirements of this position.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I have attached my resume for your review and welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further in an interview.  I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.



Sarah David

Prosple: Your gateway to tailored accounting graduate job opportunities

Prosple Australia

Prosple focuses on connecting students and recent graduates with entry-level opportunities. This means you will find a wider range of graduate jobs, internships, and even volunteer positions advertised by companies looking for fresh talent. 

Prosple caters to various industries, including law, engineering, finance, and healthcare. So you can find opportunities relevant to your field of study. The key features of our platform are:

  • As a student, you can sign up and apply for positions on Prosple for free. This is a big advantage compared to some job boards that charge fees.
  • Prosple understands the challenges recent graduates face. We offer resources and advice to help with interview skills, writing resumes, and navigating the job search process.
  • Prosple boasts a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and find the opportunities you are interested in. 
  • The platform provides advanced search filters. You can narrow your search by location, industry, job type, and salary. These filters will save you time by only showing you relevant opportunities.
  • Prosple uses AI-based matching algorithms for targeted recommendations. Based on your profile and search history, it suggests jobs or internships that you might not have found on your own. This can put you ahead of the competition for roles that are a good fit.
  • The platform offers alerts and notifications to keep you ahead of the competition. You can set these up to receive updates on new jobs matching your criteria. This way, you never miss a relevant opportunity again.
  • Prosple's "Day in the Life" series is a great resource if you are curious about different career paths. You get a glimpse into someone's daily routine in a specific job role. This can help you visualise what a typical day might look like in your desired field.
  • Prosple's "Work Rights" feature is a great option for international students. Based on your visa, Prosple will only show you job postings where you are eligible to work. With eligibility pre-filtered, you can focus your energy on applying for jobs you know you have a chance of landing. This saves you tons of time and frustration.


Even as a fresh graduate, you have a lot to offer. Take advantage of the free cover letter templates that we shared and personalise them to tell your unique story. Don't forget to follow up after sending your application – a polite email can go a long way in making a positive impression. 

To maximise your chances of finding your dream role, you need to get your application in front of the right employers. Prosple is a robust platform designed specifically to connect students and recent graduates like you with exciting accounting jobs and internships. Sign up for free on Prosple to browse current openings and directly apply to positions that match your skills.